A group of progressive House Democrats is urging their colleagues to oppose a $26 billion aid package for Israel as a way to signal dissatisfaction with President Biden’s support for Israel’s tactics in Gaza. They are framing the upcoming vote as a moral choice similar to the votes on the Iraq war, hoping to muster a significant bloc of Democratic opposition to the aid measure. This move is seen as a warning to the President about the depth of discontent within his political coalition over Israel’s actions in Gaza.

The aid package, which includes $13 billion in military assistance to Israel, is expected to pass the House along with funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and other American allies. Progressive Democrats estimate that 40 to 60 members of their party may oppose the bill, signaling a division within the Democratic Party on the issue of support for Israel. While they support the Jewish state’s right to defend itself, they argue that providing more offensive weaponry without conditions amounts to an endorsement of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s prosecution of the war in Gaza.

The legislation does not place further conditions on how Israel can use American military aid or block future arms transfers, which has been a point of contention among Democrats. Progressives leading the push against the Israel aid bill have stressed the need for defensive weapons for Israel but argue against providing bombs and weapons to Netanyahu that support the ongoing war in Gaza. They believe a substantial number of Democrats opposing the bill would give the Biden administration leverage to influence Israel’s approach to the conflict.

The upcoming vote parallels a similar situation in 2007 when the House divided a piece of spending legislation to allow Democrats to express their opposition to funding the Iraq war while still passing a domestic funding bill. The vote on Saturday is expected to be a critical test, with Democrats who oppose the aid package seeking to send a message that giving Netanyahu more offensive weapons will not lead to peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians. They argue that it could lead to further destruction in Gaza and a potential invasion of Rafah.

Through meetings, text chains, and conversations with the administration, progressive Democrats are working to shift the President’s approach to Israel and underscore the electoral risks he faces among voters who are unhappy with his handling of the conflict. They view a significant number of Democrats opposing the aid package as a way to pressure Mr. Biden to condition aid and halt future offensive weapons transfers. They hope that a sizable “no” vote within the Democratic caucus will prompt a course correction in U.S. policy towards Israel and influence the Israeli government’s approach to the war in Gaza.

Ultimately, the vote on Saturday is seen as a pivotal moment for Democrats to express their stance on U.S. support for Israel and send a message about the importance of conditioning aid and preventing future escalation of conflict in the region. By opposing the aid package, these progressive House Democrats aim to show that there is a significant segment of the United States that does not want to see expanded and widening wars, while strengthening the President’s hand to take a different approach to supporting Israel in the conflict.

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