Another federal committee of perplexity and uncertainty, with the entire PSOE party waiting for Pedro Sánchez. Sánchez had already kept his party on edge for several days when everything depended on a decision from the PSOE’s general secretary. It was in the days leading up to the October 1, 2016 federal committee, after the susanista members of the Federal Executive, who were opposed to Sánchez, resigned from their positions to provoke a change in the party’s leadership and therefore the resignation of the socialist leader. Sánchez refused to step down and, along with a few loyal followers, barricaded himself in the party headquarters on Ferraz Street for four days, until the federal committee was held where he ultimately resigned. During those days and, especially, on that Saturday, October 1, the socialists shared a sense of perplexity very similar to the current situation. Once again, Sánchez and his decision are the center of attention, although the approach is the opposite: today the socialist leader will not be at the party headquarters and the meeting is intended to convince him to stay.

Eight years later, many of the leaders who forced the general secretary to resign in 2016 are attending Saturday’s Federal Committee to openly ask him to remain in power. The most notable case is that of the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García Page. Of the leaders who were loyal to Sánchez during that period, only Santos Cerdán, the secretary of organization, remains by his side.

Sánchez’s decision to resign in 2016 caused a split within the party, with some members supporting his leadership while others opposed it. This internal struggle came to a head during the federal committee in October of that year, leading to his eventual resignation. The current situation mirrors that time, with party members once again divided over Sánchez’s leadership and the direction in which he is taking the party.

The pressure on Sánchez to remain in office is evident as party leaders openly express their support for him at the Federal Committee meeting. The presence of Emiliano García Page, a prominent figure within the party, adds weight to the calls for Sánchez to stay. This show of support from party members highlights the importance of unity within the PSOE and the desire to avoid another internal crisis like the one in 2016.

Sánchez’s decision to barricade himself in the party headquarters in 2016 demonstrated his determination to stay in power, despite facing opposition within his own party. The current situation, with party leaders urging him to remain as leader, reflects a shift in sentiment within the PSOE. As the Federal Committee meeting unfolds, the outcome of the discussions will determine the future of the party and the direction it will take under Sánchez’s leadership.

In conclusion, the Federal Committee meeting of the PSOE once again places Pedro Sánchez at the center of attention, with party members anxiously waiting for his decision on whether to remain as leader. The events leading up to this meeting echo the internal struggles within the party in 2016, when Sánchez’s leadership was challenged. The outcome of the meeting will have far-reaching implications for the PSOE and its future direction, as party members grapple with the decision on Sánchez’s leadership.

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