Since Sunday, Macronist MPs have been oscillating between astonishment, bitterness, and a “spirit of resistance” as they witness the electoral confrontation taking shape before their eyes, as reported by our journalists Mariama Darame and Robin D’Angelo. They find themselves caught in the throes of the dissolution initiated by the President, facing two more or less consolidated blocs – the National Rally (RN), which has been joined by Eric Ciotti, the president of The Republicans, and some right-wing elected officials, and the “new popular front” on the left. In her constituency in the Yvelines, former vice-president of the Renaissance group Nadia Hai, campaigning for re-election, echoes this sentiment: “The stakes are us or the extremists, us or chaos in France.” In Herault, where the RN came out on top in the European elections, 23 points ahead of the Renaissance list, the tone is less bold. “Today, we are backed into this fight, on the edge of the mat, with few strengths to recover. But if we don’t win, we won’t exist anymore,” says Patrick Vignal, the outgoing representative of the 9th district.

The atmosphere among Macronist MPs is tense as they prepare for the upcoming electoral battle against the National Rally and the left’s new popular front. Nadia Hai, campaigning for re-election in the Yvelines, emphasizes the importance of preventing the rise of extremists in France. Meanwhile, in Herault, where the RN has a significant lead, Patrick Vignal voices concerns about the lack of strength and the potential consequences of not winning the election. Despite the challenges they face, Macronist MPs are determined to resist and fight for their political survival in the upcoming election.

The dissolution initiated by the President has put Macronist MPs in a difficult position, as they now face a tough electoral battle against right-wing and left-wing opponents. The RN’s strong performance in the European elections has heightened tensions, with Macronist MPs feeling the pressure to secure a victory in order to ensure their existence in the political landscape. The upcoming election will be crucial for the future of Macronist MPs, as they navigate the challenges of a polarized political environment and seek to maintain their influence in French politics.

In the midst of the electoral turmoil, Macronist MPs are grappling with a sense of urgency and determination to resist the rise of extremist forces and maintain their relevance in French politics. The prospect of facing off against the National Rally and the left’s new popular front has pushed Macronist MPs to navigate a complex political landscape and rally their supporters for the upcoming election. The outcome of the election will have far-reaching implications for Macronist MPs as they strive to secure a victory and solidify their position in the political arena.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, Macronist MPs remain steadfast in their commitment to resist and fight for their political survival in the upcoming election. The tension and uncertainty surrounding the dissolution initiated by the President have heightened the stakes for Macronist MPs, who find themselves at a critical juncture in French politics. As they prepare to face formidable opponents on both the right and left, Macronist MPs are determined to overcome the odds and emerge victorious in the upcoming election, safeguarding their influence and relevance in the post-election political landscape.

In conclusion, Macronist MPs find themselves in a precarious position as they navigate the complexities of the upcoming election and face off against formidable opponents on both the right and left. The electoral battle ahead will test their resilience and determination as they strive to resist the rise of extremist forces and secure their political survival. The outcome of the election will shape the future of Macronist MPs and their ongoing role in French politics, as they seek to maintain their influence and relevance in a challenging and polarized political environment.

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