Arizona rancher Jim Chilton blames the ongoing border crisis and the Biden administration’s decision to halt Trump-era wall construction for the massive numbers of migrants crossing through his ranch. When Trump was in office, over 450 miles of border wall were built, including on Chilton’s ranch. However, construction abruptly stopped when Biden took office in 2021, leaving gaps that are easy to traverse. Chilton believes that the wall is effective in deterring illegal immigration and hopes that Trump will be re-elected to finish the wall and secure the border.

Since the administration took office, there has been a surge in the number of apprehensions at the southern border. Chilton has tracked over 3,560 suspected illegal immigrants on cameras set up on his ranch, with many seeking to avoid detection and potentially carrying drugs or contraband. The dangers for migrants crossing through the ranch are severe, as they can quickly become dehydrated or injured in the intense Arizona heat. Chilton has set up water taps for his cattle to help provide clean water for migrants who may need it.

The Biden administration has promoted a strategy of expanding lawful pathways and implementing consequences for illegal entry, rather than focusing on wall construction. While apprehension numbers reached record highs in 2023, numbers have significantly dropped this year. Chilton, who carries a gun for protection while patrolling his ranch, is critical of the administration’s handling of the border crisis and believes that they have made it very desirable for migrants to come to the United States by offering free travel, bank cards, medical care, and housing.

Chilton is particularly concerned about migrants who are trying to avoid detection by Border Patrol and may be carrying illegal substances. He has observed individuals in camouflage and carpet shoes moving north towards the U.S. and leaving backpacks on the Mexican side of the wall in preparation for the next group to cross. Chilton is worried about the presence of MS-13 gangsters among the migrants and has called for stronger border security measures to prevent illegal immigration and crime.

Despite his opposition to illegal immigration, Chilton does not want migrants to die on his ranch and has taken steps to provide water sources to prevent dehydration. He believes that the U.S. should focus on creating jobs for Americans, such as veterans, rather than providing benefits to undocumented immigrants. Chilton has voiced his support for Trump’s promise to launch a mass deportation operation and finish wall construction if re-elected, as he believes that these measures are necessary to secure the border and protect American citizens.

Overall, Chilton is frustrated with the Biden administration’s approach to the border crisis and believes that stronger border security measures are needed to prevent illegal immigration and crime. He is concerned about the impact of illegal immigration on his ranch and the safety of both migrants and American citizens. Chilton’s ranch serves as a microcosm of the challenges facing the U.S.-Mexico border and highlights the complex issues surrounding immigration policy and border security.

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