The Montargis public prosecutor’s office announced on Friday, June 21, that they had taken action after becoming aware of “discriminatory remarks” in an episode of the show “Envoyé spécial” broadcast the day before. The segment showed a white couple of supporters of the National Rally insulting their black nurse neighbor with racist remarks, sparking outrage among members of the New Popular Front. The prosecutor stated that the comments and behavior observed could constitute criminal offenses such as public and non-public insults of a racial nature, public provocation to discrimination, and racial violence without incapacity, with a maximum penalty of three years in prison and a 45,000 euro fine. Concerns were raised as one of the individuals involved belonged to the Montargis judicial tribunal, prompting a request for the investigation to be transferred to another jurisdiction.

Reacting to the incident, Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti requested an immediate report from the court of appeals in Orléans for the suspension of the court official from Montargis for their unacceptable comments in the video. He emphasized that hate has no place in the judicial system. The excerpt of the documentary on the legislative campaign in Montargis showed Divine Kinkela, a nurse living in France for thirty years, enduring racist insults from her neighbors, who support the RN party. The couple made derogatory statements including references to monkeys and calling her derogatory names, displaying a clear case of racial discrimination.

In the footage, the neighbor accuses people with names like Mustapha of not respecting French customs, while his partner, whose face is blurred, tells the nurse to leave and insults her appearance and heritage. This sequence sparked reactions from left-wing figures, including over 3 million views on social media platforms in twelve hours. Politicians like the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, denounced the racism and supported the dignity exhibited by Divine Kinkela. Other politicians, such as the Communist Party spokesperson Ian Brossat and outgoing MP Sandrine Rousseau, expressed their support and condemned the repugnant racism displayed in the video.

Several left-wing politicians highlighted the rise of ordinary racism encouraged by the National Rally party and called for unity against such discrimination. Antoine Léaument of La France insoumise reminded that racism is not an opinion but a crime, urging the nurse to take legal action against the perpetrators of the racist behavior. The incident prompted a national discussion on the prevalence of everyday racism and the need to combat it through legal measures and social movements. The public response to the video demonstrated a collective desire to stand up against racism and protect the rights and dignity of individuals from all backgrounds.

The public prosecutor in Montargis initiated legal proceedings following the incident, highlighting the seriousness of the discriminatory remarks and actions captured in the documentary. With potential charges of racial insults, public discrimination, and racial violence, the case raised concerns about the prevalence of racism in society and the importance of legal consequences for such behavior. Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti’s response to the incident underscored the government’s commitment to upholding justice and combating hate in all its forms. The incident served as a wake-up call for society to address the underlying issues of racism and discrimination that continue to affect individuals on a daily basis.

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