During a match between New York City FC and the Philadelphia Union, a raccoon named “Raquinho” made its way onto the field, causing a delay in the game for approximately 161 seconds. The furry intruder entered the pitch during the first half and wandered around, seemingly interested in joining the action on the other side of the field where New York was playing.

The raccoon’s escapade continued as it ran down the field towards the opposite end, prompting stadium staffers to try and catch it using empty trash cans. The humorous incident drew comparisons to pitch invaders in more traditional sporting events, with former MLS player Calen Carr joking about the unexpected visitor on the Apple TV+ broadcast.

As the raccoon evaded capture, play-by-play commentator Callum Williams provided entertaining narration of the chaotic scene. The critter was eventually corralled by stadium staff, leading to cheers from the Union’s supporter section as it was carried off the field in a trash can. The Union later confirmed that the raccoon had been safely released after its brief moment in the spotlight.

Both NYCFC and the Union embraced the hilarity of the situation, with NYCFC sharing memes featuring the raccoon on social media, and one of the team’s supporter groups creating a meme of the raccoon holding up a New York City jersey. Despite the interruption, NYCFC went on to secure a 2-1 victory over the Union, with goals from Alonso Martínez in the second minute and Hannes Wolf in the 45th minute.

The win marked NYCFC’s first back-to-back victories on the road this season, setting a positive tone as they prepare for the upcoming Hudson River Derby against the Red Bulls. The bizarre appearance of Raquinho the raccoon added a memorable and light-hearted moment to the match between NYCFC and the Union, showcasing the unexpected and entertaining elements that can occur during live sports events.

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