A small group of anti-Israel protesters from a Florida chapter of Queers for Palestine blocked access to Walt Disney World on Saturday, leading to their prompt arrest. The protesters wore keffiyeh and used their vehicles to block the Disney exit of Interstate 4 in Orlando, alleging that the company supports genocide. They held banners across the ramp and chanted, “Free free Palestine.” Some drivers used the highway shoulder to bypass the demonstrators, while one irate motorist confronted them before being yelled at and called a “genocide sympathizer.”

The protest continued with nearly 35,000 Palestinians being killed since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. The protester’s video showed cars eventually moving along the highway, with the organization posting “No business as usual during genocide” on Instagram during the blockade. Queers for Palestine also criticized Disney for supporting Israel without acknowledging the loss of Palestinian lives and for introducing an Israeli superhero in the 2025 film “Captain America: Brave New World.”

The protesters referenced a 1981 comic called Sabra in which an Israeli character shows little remorse for the death of a Palestinian child. Cops arrived shortly after the protest began, and three members of Queers for Palestine were among those arrested. The organization has not publicly addressed the arrests, and the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has not commented on the situation. The protesters’ actions have generated mixed reactions, with some supporting their cause while others criticize their methods and lack of understanding.

The incident highlights the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, with tensions escalating and violence increasing in the region. The protest at Walt Disney World brought attention to the issue and sparked discussions about the role of corporations in global conflicts. The actions of the protesters have raised questions about the appropriate ways to draw attention to human rights abuses and advocate for marginalized communities, with some arguing that blocking a major highway is not an effective or safe method of protest.

Despite criticism of their methods, Queers for Palestine continues to push for awareness of the ongoing violence in the region and call for justice for Palestinians. The organization’s actions at Walt Disney World sparked controversy and debate, with some praising their activism while others question their tactics. The arrest of the protesters raises concerns about the limits of freedom of expression and the appropriate ways to address complex political issues. Moving forward, it remains to be seen how this incident will impact the ongoing debate around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of activism in raising awareness about human rights violations.

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