Queen Camilla shared her first experience reading a grown-up book during the second series of her podcast, ‘The Queen’s Reading Room.’ She recalled a novel called ‘Angélique’ by Anne Golon, which featured a beautiful French woman on exciting adventures, including one in the court of Louis XIV. Camilla reflected on how she yearned to be like the main character, Angélique, with her striking green eyes and long golden hair. This book series has captured the hearts of many readers and has been adapted into various forms, such as films and manga series. While the character is fictional, some speculate she was inspired by real-life figure Suzanne du Plessis-Bellière, a notable woman of France in the 17th century.

In the podcast episode, Camilla also shared her admiration for the character Angélique and how she and her friends wanted to look like her. The appeal of the Angélique series to a young Camilla highlighted the lasting impact of books on individuals, shaping their desires and aspirations. The discussion around Angélique’s character and adventures provides insight into the power of literature to inspire and captivate readers over generations. Camilla’s personal connection to the character reflects the universal appeal of stories that resonate with individuals on a deep level.

The popularity and longevity of the Angélique series, with over 150 million copies sold worldwide, illustrate the enduring appeal of well-crafted storytelling. The podcast episode not only delved into Camilla’s childhood reading habits but also touched on broader themes of literary influence and the role of fictional characters in shaping personal ideals. By sharing her reading experiences, Camilla invites listeners to reflect on their own literary influences and how characters and stories have impacted their lives, resonating beyond the pages of a book.

Camilla’s openness about her reading preferences and the influence of characters like Angélique adds a personal touch to her podcast, making it relatable for audiences who may share similar literary experiences. The conversation between host Vicki Perrin, guest Neil Gaiman, and Camilla offers a glimpse into the Queen’s world of books and the role they play in her life. Through this podcast episode, Camilla not only celebrates the joys of reading but also highlights the significance of storytelling in connecting people and shaping identities.

As the second season of ‘The Queen’s Reading Room’ begins, Camilla’s discussion of Angélique and her childhood reading habits sets the stage for further exploration of literature and its impact. By sharing her memories of the first adult book she read and the character she admired, Camilla reveals a personal side that resonates with listeners who have their own favorite books and characters. The podcast episode serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling to inspire, entertain, and shape the way we perceive the world around us, creating a shared bond between readers and listeners. Through her candid reflections, Camilla invites audiences into her world of books and offers a glimpse of the stories that have left a lasting impression on her life.

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