The tentacles of Kremlin propaganda reach many places, but they need national collaborators who have certain access to some media outlets, even if they are scarce. Some are aware of this and get paid for it. Others, who give them space, must believe that the interests and security of Spaniards are more important in Moscow than in Brussels. Guillermo Rocafort Pérez, who presents himself as a lawyer, historian, and writer, is one of Putin’s men in Spain. Several of his works, pure historical revisionism, are published by the ultra-right-wing publisher SND Editores, which also publishes the works left by the far-right figure Blas Piñar. Falange considers him a “friend and comrade”.I’m going to tell you a story. On February 28th, Rocafort published a video on X of the presentation he gave at the second “Congress on Multipolarity” held in Moscow. An event where the Kremlin aired its propaganda against the economic and political integration of the European Union and NATO’s mutual defense and spread its neofascism and expansionist desires. Russia knows that unity is the main strength of European countries. Together, we stand up to Moscow; separately, very few could. The Russian Embassy in Madrid replied to his message saying he would “always be welcome.” A soldier of Putin in Spain, a fifth columnist, just at a time when some of our partners in the European Union and NATO feel directly threatened by Moscow.Rocafort would just be another reactionary, and not even the most dangerous, if he weren’t one of the most cited people by the digital media outlet The Objective. On their website, there are dozens of pieces presenting him as a “lawyer specializing in transparency,” “political analyst,” or “historian”. In these pieces, he comments on various issues and his relationship with the Kremlin is never disclosed.Most of these pieces are signed by Marcos Ondarra. Comments about Rocafort can be found, such as: “There is a substantial part of Vox’s electoral base that is pro-Russian, sharing Putin’s regime values: family, country, army, traditions, and spirituality, while Zelensky represents the opposite.” The comment about Zelensky exactly mirrors Kremlin propaganda, portraying the Ukrainian leader, a Jewish grandson of Soviet soldiers who fought against the Nazis, as a neo-Nazi puppet. Another statement claims, “At first, there was great astonishment, and even Marine Le Pen criticized the invasion, but then positions have been fine-tuned as they have realized that the United States is profiting from the situation and Europe is sinking economically.” Once again, a message from Putin’s propaganda.Does The Objective spread Russian propaganda? Absolutely. In the same piece, it is reported that according to a Euroskopia survey, only 32% of Europeans reject the partition of Ukrainian territory. Or that 60% of Germans want to end the war “at the expense of Ukraine.” Once again, Kremlin propaganda. Ondarra writes, “While citizens are saying enough of deaths and military spending, their European governments are looking in another direction.” But citizens are not saying that. A report from the European Parliament from around the same time as the article, based on data from dozens of surveys across Europe, shows (with sources, unlike Euroskopia) very different data, such as the percentage of Germans who would prefer to divide Ukraine to end the war at that time was 41%, not 60%. Almost all of the news highlighted by Euroskopia on its website this past weekend was negative about European policies and positive about far-right leaders. Just like media controlled by Moscow.Are there media outlets willing to spread Russian propaganda without getting paid for it? It could happen if their editorial line is marked by a Eurosceptic and far-right ideology. Rocafort at least travels to Moscow, where he is probably treated like royalty. But those who give him space, do they charge or are they Putin’s minions, cardboard patriots, enemies of Spaniards and Europeans? Subscribe to continue reading. Read without limits.

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