In 2025, the government announced plans to create a holding company, followed by a merger of public broadcasting companies on January 1st, 2026. The government proposed a two-step approach, starting with the creation of a holding company on January 1st, 2025, which would oversee France Télévisions, Radio France, France Médias Monde, and INA. This would be followed by the merger of subsidiaries within France Médias on January 1st, 2026. The transfer of assets, rights, and obligations to France Médias would take place on that date.

The government’s amendment, which was presented to the deputies for review in commission starting on May 14th, outlined the details of the merger. It included the transfer of all assets and responsibilities from the existing public broadcasting companies to France Médias. The amendment, which was supported by members of the majority presidential party, added a new chapter to the cultural affairs commission. The Senate’s proposed legislation, once examined in commission, would be debated in the National Assembly on May 23rd and 24th.

Minister of Culture Rachida Dati expressed support for creating a “powerful group” through rapid consolidation within a holding company. However, concerns were raised within the sector regarding the potential for a more integrated merger of companies. Radio France syndicates have already expressed opposition to any form of merger and have called for strike action at the end of the month. Dati, aiming for a swift process, intends to focus the Senate’s text on governance issues.

According to another government amendment, the CEO of France Médias would be appointed for five years by the audiovisual regulatory authority, Arcom, through a transparent, open, effective, and non-discriminatory procedure. The reform of the public broadcasting sector aims to provide a more diverse range of content that is accessible through various channels to reach all French citizens. The goal is to enhance the visibility and accessibility of public broadcasting content.

Overall, the government’s plan for a merger of public broadcasting companies involves the creation of a holding company in 2025, followed by the consolidation of subsidiaries under France Médias in 2026. This proposal is part of a broader reform aimed at improving the overall offering of public broadcasting content and ensuring it reaches a wider audience through various distribution channels. The process is set to be debated and implemented through a series of legislative steps in the coming months.

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