Several hundred Armenians protested in Erevan on May 15th, 2024 against the government’s decision to cede land to neighboring Azerbaijan as part of peace talks. Demonstrations have been ongoing since April to oppose the Armenian authorities’ choice to return villages conquered and controlled by Armenia since the 1990s to Azerbaijan. The protests took place in the central square of Erevan, where Prime Minister Nikol Pachinian was scheduled to speak at an international conference. Protesters, led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanian, called for Pachinian’s resignation.

The protesters believe that Pachinian must step down in order to save Armenia from its current situation. One demonstrator, Tigran Balasanian, claimed that “Pachinian must resign, otherwise Armenia is doomed.” Another protester, Nune Sargsian, stated that “Pachinian has crossed all possible red lines, he has abandoned the country, he must leave and give Armenia, which is on its knees, a chance to rise again.” Pachinian’s territorial concessions to Azerbaijan in the name of securing peace have sparked widespread demonstrations, including roadblocks, led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanian.

The Archbishop is pushing for a process of impeachment against Pachinian. Opposition parties would need the support of at least one independent member of parliament or a member of Pachinian’s party to launch the impeachment process, which would then require the backing of at least eighteen members of Pachinian’s party for success. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been embroiled in two wars over control of the Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh, with Azerbaijan launching an offensive in 2023 that allowed them to regain control of the territory from Armenian separatists.

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan dates back decades, with the recent tensions being exacerbated by Pachinian’s decision to cede territory to Azerbaijan. The Archbishop’s movement to impeach Pachinian reflects a growing discontent among the Armenian population with the government’s handling of the peace negotiations and the territorial disputes. The protests in Erevan highlight the deep divisions and concerns among Armenians regarding the future of their country and its relationship with Azerbaijan.

The situation in Armenia remains tense, with ongoing protests and calls for Pachinian to step down. The Armenian population’s dissatisfaction with the government’s actions and decisions regarding territorial concessions to Azerbaijan continues to fuel unrest and uncertainty in the country. As the protests and demonstrations persist, the outcome of the impeachment process and the future of Armenia’s relationship with Azerbaijan remain uncertain. The deep-rooted historical and territorial conflicts between the two nations continue to shape the political landscape of the region and impact the lives of those living in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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