Members of the Venezuelan diaspora are using their political power in their host countries in Latin America to make a difference in resolving the political crisis in Venezuela. Heads of state in the region, including Colombia and Brazil, are leading negotiations with the Maduro government. They have not recognized either Maduro or Gonzalez as the winner of the elections and are calling for the release of paper ballots to determine the true outcome. Colombian President Gustavo Petro emphasized the need for a peaceful resolution during this delicate moment.

As mediators, Colombia and Brazil have proposed solutions to address concerns on both sides of the electoral dispute in Venezuela. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva suggested holding new elections, while President Petro proposed alternating power between the Maduro government and the opposition. However, these ideas were rejected by opposition members both inside and outside of Venezuela. The two countries also called for the release of voting tallies by the Maduro government and an end to international sanctions against Venezuela, which are impacting its economy.

Countries including Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, and Panama have recognized Gonzalez as the newly elected president of Venezuela. Venezuelan activists in the diaspora are working with lawmakers in countries like Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, and Chile to advocate for election transparency and democracy. William Clavija, president of Venezuela Global, a Brazil-based humanitarian organization, emphasized the importance of putting democracy above political alliances and ideological visions in resolving the crisis.

The Venezuelan diaspora is actively engaging in advocacy efforts to encourage more world leaders to recognize Gonzalez as the legitimate president of Venezuela ahead of the January inauguration. They are working with legislators to shape policies that support democracy and election transparency in Venezuela. By leveraging their political power in their host countries, members of the diaspora are contributing to efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the political crisis in Venezuela and ensure the will of the Venezuelan people is respected.

The role of the Venezuelan diaspora in Latin America as a voice for democracy and election transparency in their home country is crucial in the efforts to resolve the political crisis. By working with regional leaders, lawmakers, and advocacy organizations, they are amplifying their calls for a peaceful resolution and respect for the democratic process in Venezuela. The efforts of Venezuelan activists and politicians in exile are shaping policies and influencing decisions to bring about positive change in their country. As international pressure mounts on the Maduro government, the Venezuelan diaspora continues to play a significant role in advocating for democracy and human rights in Venezuela.

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