Activists have occupied spaces at a Berlin university in support of Palestinians and in protest against Israel, with around 50 people initially reported inside the Institute for Social Sciences of Humboldt University on Wednesday afternoon. Another 250 to 300 young individuals were said to be demonstrating outside on the street. Police and a dpa photographer stated that the situation was peaceful with close coordination between the police and the university. Protesters were observed being removed by police, and some masked individuals were seen looking out of windows in the building. An alternate location was designated for the spontaneous gathering.

The activists, part of a group called “Student Coalition Berlin,” accused Israel of “genocide” and “ongoing mass murders,” calling for unconditional solidarity with the Palestinian people. They demanded the university to accept their occupation and presence and to ban a police intervention. The group also announced the establishment of the Jabalia Institute in the former Institute for Social Sciences, along with urging the university leadership to participate in a complete academic and cultural boycott of Israel. Observers from the CDU-affiliated Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten reported the presence of rudimentary barricades created by students at Humboldt University, expressing concern about a potential escalation similar to events in the United States.

In response to the occupation, Humboldt University’s president Julia von Blumenthal stated that the institute would tolerate the presence of anti-Israeli students until Thursday at 6 pm. The university’s entire executive board engaged in discussions with the occupiers for over two hours, learning that the individuals identified themselves as students from Humboldt University or other universities in Berlin. The university expects a peaceful evacuation after the specified deadline, with plans to convert the teaching at the institute to digital operations on Thursday. The agreement also stipulates that no additional individuals may join the occupation overnight and that no further property damage will occur.

Clashes have erupted at universities in the United States and other countries following protests against Israel’s military operation in Gaza, sparked by a violent attack by Hamas classified as a terrorist organization by the US and EU on Israel in early October. The Islamist fighters took hostages and killed over 1,170 individuals, with 252 still held captive. Israel retaliated with extensive military operations resulting in a significant number of casualties in the Gaza Strip. Despite conflicting figures from different sources, the situation remains volatile as tensions persist between the two parties. The university will hold a discussion on the occupation and demands made by the protesters on Thursday afternoon.

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