President Joe Biden faced protests over the conflict in Gaza during a private meeting at the White House this week. Muslim Americans voiced their concerns about the war between Israel and Hamas, with one Palestinian American doctor walking out of the meeting after presenting Biden with a letter from an orphaned 8-year-old girl in Rafah. Biden’s response was described as muted, with the doctor expressing disappointment in the lack of concrete actions to address the situation. Despite Biden’s expressions of concern about civilian casualties, he has not cut off military assistance to Israel, which has angered Muslim Americans.

The meeting, arranged by the White House, was an alternative to the traditional celebratory dinner to mark the end of Ramadan, as several Muslim community leaders had refused invitations due to the famine in Gaza. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre acknowledged the community’s feelings during this painful moment, though she remained circumspect about the details of the meeting. When asked about Biden’s reaction to the protester walking out, she emphasized the president’s respect for peaceful protest. The meeting was supposed to give Biden an opportunity to speak with someone who had been on the ground in Gaza, but it is unclear if that was the case.

The protester, Thaer Ahmad, was troubled by news of U.S. weapons sales to Israel leading up to the meeting. He had decided to walk out calmly once the meeting started, as a way to make his voice heard. Ahmad had expressed doubts about the purpose of the meeting and the impact he could make by attending. Despite his disappointment in Biden’s response, Ahmad remains committed to advocating for change in Gaza and is planning another trip to the region at the end of the month. Biden’s support for Israel’s military operations, including weapon sales, continues to be a point of contention for Muslim Americans who seek more substantial actions from the president to address the conflict.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in significant casualties on both sides, with thousands of Palestinians killed by Israel since the war began on Oct. 7. The lack of concrete actions from Biden despite his expressed concerns about civilian casualties has led to mounting frustration among Muslim Americans. While Biden has acknowledged the need for change in the rhetoric surrounding the conflict, his support for Israel’s military operations remains a source of discontent within the Muslim community. The protest at the White House meeting was a reflection of the deep-seated concerns and frustrations felt by Muslim Americans, who continue to call for a more substantial response to the crisis in Gaza.

Despite the private nature of the meeting, the protester’s actions have drawn attention to the ongoing conflict and the need for a more robust response from the Biden administration. The decision to walk out was a peaceful demonstration of dissent and a call for more meaningful actions to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. As the conflict continues to escalate, the pressure on Biden to take concrete steps to address the situation is likely to increase. The protester’s advocacy for change and commitment to speaking out against injustice in Gaza serves as a reminder of the importance of holding leaders accountable for their actions and policies in times of crisis.

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