During Hillary Clinton’s visit to her alma mater, Wellesley College, she faced a list of radical demands from anti-Israel protesters who denounced her as a “war criminal.” The demands included acknowledging the ongoing genocide in Gaza, forcing the college to divest from companies perpetuating the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and cutting ties with organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League. The protesters also called for swift consequences for incidents of hate crimes or harassment against Palestinian advocacy. Clinton had returned to campus to participate in a women-led democracy summit and to mark the naming of a new college center after her, but faced anger from students who circulated pamphlets calling her Wellesley’s “most beloved war criminal.”

Despite facing protests during her visits to American universities, Clinton is no stranger to backlash from students. During an appearance at Columbia University in February, protesters interrupted her and called her a “war criminal.” At Wellesley College, angry students circulated pamphlets accusing Clinton of having “blood on her hands.” The school administrators acknowledged the protest, but did not condemn it, urging activists to follow the demonstration policy and student conduct code to ensure their safety and the safety of the community. The protest at Wellesley College came just days after Clinton made a appearance on the “Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon, where she chided U.S. voters for being upset that former President Trump and President Biden were the only two choices.

The demands made by the anti-Israel protesters at Wellesley College echo those of other groups calling for divestment from companies supporting the Israeli occupation of Palestine and condemning organizations like the Anti-Defamation League. The protesters called for consequences for hate crimes and harassment against Palestinian advocacy. Clinton, however, has faced similar protests at other universities, including Columbia University, where students labeled her a “war criminal.” Despite the protests, Clinton has continued to participate in events and discussions at universities, including the women-led democracy summit at Wellesley College.

During her visit to Wellesley College, Hillary Clinton faced a list of radical demands from anti-Israel protesters who denounced her as a “war criminal.” The demands called for acknowledging the ongoing genocide in Gaza, divesting from companies supporting the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and cutting ties with organizations like the Anti-Defamation League. Protests against Clinton are not new, as students disrupted her appearance at Columbia University earlier in the year. The protest at Wellesley College was acknowledged by administrators, who urged activists to follow the demonstration policy and student conduct code. Clinton had returned to campus to participate in a women-led democracy summit and celebrate the naming of a new college center after her, despite facing anger from students who labeled her the school’s “most beloved war criminal.”

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