LeBaron initially resisted having a security team assigned to him, but now relies heavily on Agent Ayala and his team to keep him safe. Ayala’s job is to be flexible and not impede the candidate’s campaign, making plans on the fly as situations change. Unlike traditional VIP protection, campaigns require more fluidity and adaptability, with security protocols constantly evolving. The security team faces challenges, including the assassination of other candidates despite National Guard protection due to new protocols that create security weaknesses. Ayala stresses the importance of being able to adapt to unexpected situations on the road with candidates.

During the final rally of LeBaron’s campaign in a dangerous area, Ayala received intelligence about armed men in the area and the need for a speedy departure. LeBaron followed safety protocols and sat in the back of the vehicle with his wife while National Guard trucks surrounded them. As they raced through the country roads, a truck began behaving erratically behind them, prompting the National Guard agents to aim their weapons at the vehicle. Despite the tense situation, they managed to evade the potential threat and safely arrive back home. LeBaron noted the inefficiencies and dangers of having to stop for fuel in the middle of a high-speed chase.

The security team’s role is crucial in protecting candidates like LeBaron on the campaign trail, where unforeseen threats can arise at any moment. Ayala’s quick thinking and ability to adapt to changing circumstances have been tested repeatedly, ensuring the safety of those under his protection. While traditional security protocols may not always apply in these situations, Ayala emphasizes the importance of being prepared for anything while on the road with candidates. The dangers faced by political candidates in Mexico are ever-present, and security measures must be constantly reassessed and adjusted to ensure their safety.

Despite the risks and challenges, LeBaron’s campaign came to a close, and he was left to await the outcome of the election and the next chapter in his life. The experience of running for office in a dangerous environment has highlighted the importance of security and the dedicated individuals like Ayala who work tirelessly to keep candidates safe. As political tensions continue to rise in Mexico, the need for effective security protocols and adaptable teams like Ayala’s remains paramount. The campaign may be over, but the threats faced by political candidates in Mexico persist, underscoring the vital role of security teams in ensuring their safety.

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