Tax season can bring about a lot of stress and headaches, including the risk of falling for a tax scam. Scammers are always looking for ways to trick people into giving them money or personal information, especially during tax season. Identity theft is one of the most common types of scams, where someone else files a tax return using your identity to claim a refund. The IRS received over 294,000 identity theft complaints in 2023, with victims waiting an average of 19 months for their returns and refunds to be processed.

To protect yourself from tax scams, experts recommend knowing the common tactics used by scammers, such as fear, urgency, and money. Scammers often create a sense of urgency and pressure people into sharing private information like their Social Security numbers. It’s important to verify if the IRS is really contacting you, as they usually communicate through physical mail via the U.S. Postal Service. Researching tax professionals and avoiding fake preparers can also help prevent falling victim to scams.

Another important tip is to avoid picking up calls from unknown numbers, as scammers often reach out by phone. It’s recommended to use tools available on your phone to block spam calls and only share information with trusted sources. Using all the technology at your disposal, such as the IRS identity protection PIN system, password managers, and regularly checking your credit report and bank statements can also help prevent scams. Filing your taxes early is also advised to reduce the risk of someone else trying to file on your behalf.

It’s crucial to stay vigilant even after filing your taxes, as there are other scams to watch out for regarding refunds and tax corrections. Criminals are always looking for ways to exploit people for money, so it’s important to remain cautious and protect yourself from potential scams. By sharing knowledge and tips with loved ones, you can help others protect themselves from falling victim to tax scams. The Associated Press provides comprehensive coverage of tax season, offering resources and information to help people navigate this challenging time.

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