A new House bill introduced seeks to mandate that parents are informed of any foreign-sourced or funded curricula in schools that receive federal support. This comes in response to concerns about programs linked to the Chinese Communist Party, such as “Confucius Classrooms.” The TRACE Act will require schools to allow parents to review any curriculum provided by or purchased with foreign funds, as well as notify parents of any foreign contracts or financial transactions. This legislation is meant to keep parents better informed and give them more access to and transparency over their child’s education.

The bill also stipulates that parents be notified if any school employees are being compensated by a foreign entity, and if foreign actors have donated to the institution. Representative Virginia Foxx emphasized the importance of knowing where school funding is coming from, as significant investments from foreign nations could impact decisions regarding personnel or curriculum. The chief sponsor of the TRACE Act, Representative Aaron Bean, argued that U.S. schools are for education, not espionage, and that parents should have control over their child’s education to prevent foreign adversaries from influencing the youth.

In 2023, Oklahoma’s Superintendent of Education Ryan Walters called for action to combat foreign influence in schools, citing it as a national security risk. He led an investigation into a school district utilizing “Confucius Classroom” programs, where the Chinese Communist Party funded a non-profit working directly within the school. Walters highlighted the importance of transparency and oversight in education, ensuring that parents know who is teaching their kids and what they are being taught. He issued an order requiring schools to disclose foreign funding, aiming to prevent indoctrination similar to Mao Zedong’s “Little Red Book.”

The bill aims to complement the Parents Bill of Rights, which passed the House in 2023 and provides parents with more than a dozen stipulated rights for accessing and understanding their child’s learning experience. Representative Aaron Bean emphasized that the bill is about protecting America’s youth from foreign influence and preventing foreign nations from reaching the country’s K-12 schools. Representative Foxx expressed that the TRACE Act will give parents greater transparency and information about their child’s education and ensure that foreign funding does not compromise the integrity of the educational system.

Walters praised Oklahoma’s investigation into foreign influence in curricula, stating that the state has led the nation in addressing this issue. He noted that schools have been given specific directives to prevent partnerships with countries antagonistic towards the United States. Walters highlighted the risk of foreign influence from malign nations and underscored the importance of parental oversight in education. The bill reflects ongoing efforts to safeguard the educational system and protect students from undue foreign influence, particularly from regimes like the Chinese Communist Party. Parents are poised to gain greater transparency and control over their child’s education through this legislation.

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