Demonstrators at the University of Winnipeg have set up an encampment on the front lawn in protest of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The protesters have listed several demands, including financial transparency, divestment from companies involved in Israeli apartheid, and a public condemnation of Israel. They are also asking for no repercussions to be faced by students, staff, or faculty as a result of their advocacy. The University of Winnipeg has stated that students are free to peacefully protest within the bounds of the law and university policies, but camping or setting up tents without approval is prohibited.

A similar encampment at the University of Manitoba began on Tuesday and was initially scheduled to last for three days. However, the protesters decided to extend the demonstration in order to be more visible in their efforts and to show their commitment to seeing their demands met. The University of Manitoba has stated that their security services are monitoring the situation to ensure a safe environment, but the situation remains peaceful. The protests at both universities come as part of a wider movement of students taking a stand against the conflict in Gaza and calling for action to be taken.

The protesters at both universities are part of a growing number of students who are advocating for change in response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. They are demanding financial transparency, divestment from companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, and a public condemnation of Israel. The University of Winnipeg has stated that while students have the right to peaceful protest, camping and setting up tents without approval is not allowed on university property. The University of Manitoba has also stated that they are monitoring the situation to ensure a safe environment for all involved.

The protesters are committed to seeing their demands met and are willing to continue their demonstrations until they see tangible action being taken in response to their concerns. The University of Manitoba has stated that their security services are working to ensure a safe environment for all involved in the protests. The demonstrations at both universities come as part of a wider movement of students taking a stand against the ongoing conflict in Gaza and calling for change to be made.

The protests at both universities have garnered attention and support from other students and community members, who are joining the demonstrators in calling for action to be taken in response to the conflict in Gaza. The protesters are united in their demands for financial transparency, divestment from companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, and a public condemnation of Israel. The universities have stated that students have the right to peacefully protest, but camping and setting up tents without approval is not allowed on university property. The situation at both universities remains peaceful, with security services monitoring to ensure a safe environment.

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