During a meeting between European Council President Charles Michel and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the focus was on the upcoming European Council in Brussels next week. The main agenda item was the issue of competitiveness, with a particular emphasis on the need for increased investments in the capital markets to address climate change, digital innovation, and to create opportunities for economic recovery. They also discussed international issues, highlighting the importance of cooperation with countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, and others on the Mediterranean shore.

President Charles Michel praised the efforts made in addressing the migration issue, emphasizing the recent adoption of the Asylum Pact by the European Parliament as a step towards strengthening the tools available to manage the situation. It was agreed that efficient management of migration is a top priority, and the implementation of the pact is crucial to achieving effective results. Additionally, partnerships with third countries are being reinforced, including opportunities for legal migration and combating human trafficking.

The meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni underscored the importance of collaboration among EU member states in addressing the migration challenges. Efforts are being made to engage with countries of origin and transit to effectively manage the flow of migrants. The focus is on achieving a more efficient migration system that includes legal pathways and combating human trafficking through various tools and strategies. The commitment to working together with international partners towards a comprehensive approach to migration was reiterated.

President Charles Michel and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also discussed the need for a joint approach with other EU member states to tackle the migration issue. They emphasized the importance of involving countries on the Mediterranean shore, such as Tunisia, Egypt, and Lebanon, to address the root causes of migration and ensure a more coordinated response. The EU is working towards a more cohesive strategy that includes legal migration pathways, combatting human trafficking, and strengthening partnerships with third countries to address the challenges posed by migration.

The efficient management of migration, as highlighted in the meeting between President Charles Michel and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, remains a key priority for the EU. With the recent adoption of the Asylum Pact by the European Parliament, efforts are being made to reform the EU’s migration system and ensure its effective implementation. The focus is on fostering partnerships with third countries, promoting legal migration opportunities, and combating human trafficking through a comprehensive set of tools and strategies. The commitment to addressing migration challenges collectively with international partners was underlined as a crucial aspect of the EU’s approach.

In conclusion, the meeting between European Council President Charles Michel and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni centered on the upcoming European Council meeting in Brussels and the issue of competitiveness. The discussions also touched on international matters, particularly the management of migration and the importance of partnerships with third countries on the Mediterranean shore. Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to working together, along with other EU member states, to address the challenges posed by migration through a coordinated and comprehensive approach. They emphasized the need for increased investments in the capital markets to address key issues such as climate change, digital innovation, and economic recovery, while also focusing on strengthening partnerships and legal migration opportunities to combat human trafficking and ensure a more efficient migration system.

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