Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella visited the Élysée Palace for consultations with Emmanuel Macron regarding the appointment of a new Prime Minister on August 26, 2024 in Paris. Marine Le Pen expressed a clear stance on the profile of the future Prime Minister, although not everyone in her party may have understood or agreed with this position. Her firmness in rejecting certain potential candidates contrasted with the previous legislature’s tendency towards caution and indecision.

Since 2022, the Rassemblement National (RN) had viewed motions of censure from the opposition, such as those from La France insoumise, as mere posturing rather than genuine threats to the government or the stability of the country. The RN’s position appeared to remain consistent even after the legislative elections, with the extreme right party waiting to hear the policy orientations of any potential government before making a decision. However, Marine Le Pen later tweeted that the RN would censure any government with representatives from La France insoumise or the Greens.

Marine Le Pen justified the change in her party’s approach by citing the new political landscape following the elections and the increased influence of the extreme right in the National Assembly. She explained that the lack of a clear majority in the current government necessitated a change in strategy. By mid-July, Marine Le Pen had expanded her demands, now also opposing the appointment of a Prime Minister from the left, such as Bernard Cazeneuve. Despite some of her deputies privately believing Cazeneuve deserved a chance, the party’s stance remained firm against his possible appointment.

The political dynamics had shifted, according to Marine Le Pen, and the increased leverage of the extreme right in the National Assembly required a recalibration of their strategy. The party demanded respect for their position and rejected any government that included ministers from La France insoumise or the Greens. The evolving criteria for their support reflected a more assertive stance and a willingness to oppose the government on key appointments if necessary. Marine Le Pen’s firm stance on the composition of the government indicated a departure from the cautious approach of previous years.

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