Princess Leonor is beginning to stand out on her own. The heir to the throne of Spain will receive the Medal of the Aragonese Courts, the Gold Medal of Aragon – the two highest regional distinctions – and will be named an adopted daughter of the capital of that autonomous community on Tuesday in Zaragoza, much like her father, King Felipe VI, was in the 1980s. The ceremony, which has been planned for weeks by both the Zarzuela Palace and regional authorities, is filled with symbolism from the history of a country of which Leonor will be the future queen and head of state. These events are special because the princess, who is in the final stages of military training in the Army at the General Academy of Zaragoza, has personally wanted to be involved. She is very interested in ensuring that everything goes well, according to sources from the Zarzuela Palace.

On Tuesday morning, Leonor will attend three closely scheduled events. She will be at the Palace of the Aljafería at 10:30 a.m., the seat of the autonomous Parliament, where she will receive the Medal of the Aragonese Courts. This award recognizes the work of individuals or organizations who defend the values and identity of Aragon. The Aragonese Courts have decided to acknowledge the affection of the people towards the Princess of Asturias after her time in Zaragoza during her military training. With this distinction, the Aragonese Courts express their loyalty and respect towards the Crown. This continues a tradition as her father was the first to receive this medal from the Aragonese Parliament in 1986.

Following this, the princess will go to the City Hall of Zaragoza, in the Plaza de El Pilar, where she will be named an adopted daughter and receive the keys to the city. The city had already shown its favoritism towards the heir when it was announced that the Auditorium would be renamed to the Auditorium Princess Leonor. The morning of the princess will end with a historically and symbolically charged act. From the City Hall, Princess Leonor will walk a short distance to the Seo – a former Roman forum, mosque, and now the cathedral of El Salvador – where she is expected to say a few words. This act symbolizes autonomy for Leonor as she gradually integrates into the daily work of representing the Royal House.

The events on Tuesday indicate that Princess Leonor’s time at San Gregorio is coming to an end. Her military training will continue with the Navy in Marin, Pontevedra in the summer. She will then embark on the training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano in January 2025, where she will learn traditional sailing methods and interact with her peers for about four months. This journey has not been made public yet. Finally, Leonor will go to San Javier, Murcia to complete her military training with the Air and Space Force. After this, she will begin her university education, likely balancing it with institutional events gradually. These events mark a significant step towards her future responsibilities as the future queen of Spain.

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