An AI-generated Christmas card featuring Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s children, Archie and Lilibet, went viral on the internet. The digital creation showed edited versions of the royal children in a black and white photo with festive branches surrounding them. However, eagle-eyed netizens quickly pointed out that the card appeared to be a fake, as it used older public photos of the kids that were edited to look like a new portrait. Critics noted inconsistencies in the editing, such as a trouser seam that wasn’t joined together, leading many to conclude that the card was a result of sloppy photoshopping.

While the fake AI-generated Christmas card caused a stir online, Harry and Meghan had already released their official Christmas card earlier in the month. The card included a rare photo of Archie and Lilibet, alongside images of the couple attending philanthropic events throughout the year. One image showed the children running towards their parents, while others captured various moments from the couple’s charitable work. Harry and Meghan have been residing in Montecito, California, since stepping down from their royal duties in 2020. However, reports surfaced last month that the couple did not receive an invitation to the royal family’s Christmas celebration due to ongoing tensions with Prince Charles and Prince William.

The official card released by Harry and Meghan was signed on behalf of their organizations, Archewell Productions and Archewell Foundation, wishing recipients a happy holiday season and joyful new year. The card featured a total of six images, giving a glimpse into the couple’s life in California and their philanthropic endeavors. From a joint trip to Colombia to Harry visiting a man in the hospital, the card showcased various aspects of the couple’s life outside the royal family. Despite the high-profile nature of their work and their presence online, Harry and Meghan have faced criticism and scrutiny over their decisions and public appearances.

The controversy surrounding the AI-generated Christmas card highlighted the ongoing fascination with the royal family and the lengths to which fans and critics alike will go to dissect every aspect of their lives. While the fake card provided entertainment and debate online, the official Christmas card from Harry and Meghan offered a more authentic glimpse into their world. As the couple adapts to their new life in California and continues their charitable work, they remain in the spotlight for their actions and decisions. The tension between the couple and the royal family adds another layer of complexity to their public image, with fans and detractors alike closely following their every move. Ultimately, both cards symbolize the ongoing intrigue and speculation surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as they navigate life outside the confines of royal tradition and protocol.

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