Anne Lackey, co-founder of HireSmart Virtual Employees, a HR firm specializing in recruiting, hiring, and training global talent, believes that addressing cultural issues in the workplace is crucial. Just like addressing a water leak early can prevent catastrophic damage, addressing toxic behaviors in the workplace early can prevent erosion of trust and team cohesion. Lackey emphasizes that behaviors like gossip, disrespect, exclusion, silos, and turf wars can have detrimental effects on a company’s culture, leading to decreased motivation and engagement among employees.
To prevent toxic behaviors from taking root and spreading within an organization, Lackey suggests taking proactive steps to maintain the integrity of the company’s culture. This includes constantly assessing what behaviors are incentivized within the organization and ensuring that they align with the company’s values. In addition, Lackey advises making company values visible and visceral in the daily employee experience, and sharing stories that exemplify those values to reinforce their importance.
Hiring and firing for cultural fit is another strategy recommended by Lackey to maintain a healthy company culture. She emphasizes the importance of hiring team members who share the company’s values and emotional maturity, while also being willing to let go of those who consistently undermine the culture. Lackey also advocates for empowering employees to shape the work environment and actively participate in maintaining a healthy culture. Leaders are advised to lead with vulnerability and accountability, setting the tone for the team.
Regularly checking in with employees about their experience of the company culture is essential to catching any signs of cultural erosion early. Lackey recommends setting high standards for management as they are frontline influencers of the company’s culture. It is important to hold managers accountable for team culture and ensure they are skilled in human relations to set the tone for the rest of the staff. By treating company culture as critical infrastructure and taking proactive steps to maintain its integrity, businesses can ensure long-term success and keep their employees engaged and motivated.