Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has committed to releasing all vote counts from a disputed election amid growing international pressure for transparency. Despite protesters taking to the streets over the results, Maduro insisted that his ruling party was willing to show all electoral tally sheets and requested the Supreme Court to conduct an audit of the election. Colombian President Gustavo Petro emphasized the importance of a transparent vote count and professional international supervision to bring about peace and ensure acceptance of the results by the Venezuelan people.

The National Electoral Council declared Maduro the winner of the election with 51 percent support, while the opposition claimed to have evidence that his opponent, Gonzalez, actually won. This declaration led to widespread protests across the country, with demonstrators calling for peace and respect for the popular will. The tense situation escalated as police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters, resulting in several deaths. International observers have expressed serious concerns about the crackdown on demonstrations and the validity of the election results.

Opposition leaders have alleged that they possess around 90 percent of vote tallies, which show Gonzalez with a significant lead over Maduro. However, the opposition faces challenges in proving the validity of these tallies and getting them verified by other countries. While there is a small possibility of negotiations for a transition of power, Maduro’s government has not yet shared all the tallies, suggesting a lack of willingness to address concerns over the election. The Group of Seven countries’ foreign ministers have called on Venezuelan authorities to publish detailed electoral results transparently and share information with the opposition and independent observers.

The US-based Carter Center, which observed the election, stated that it did not meet international standards of electoral integrity and could not be considered democratic. The Center cited various issues with the electoral process, including voter registration deadlines, unequal campaign conditions, opposition restrictions, and a bias in favor of Maduro by the National Electoral Council. While the Venezuelan people showed a desire to participate in a democratic election, the lack of transparency in announcing results undermined their efforts. The Carter Center’s assessment further cast doubt on the legitimacy of Maduro’s victory and reinforced calls for a thorough investigation into the election process.

As pressure builds on Maduro to be more transparent with the election results, the international community and opposition continue to push for a full accounting of the vote. With ongoing protests and a rising death toll, the situation remains volatile and contentious. The coming days will be critical in determining the path forward for Venezuela, as both Maduro’s government and the opposition navigate a tense political landscape. The world watches closely as the country grapples with allegations of fraud and the need for a fair and democratic electoral process.

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