President Erbaş met with Turkish pilgrims from various countries such as Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, the United States, and Canada in Mecca. He emphasized the importance of preserving humanity through acts of worship and good deeds such as prayer, fasting, charity, and helping others. The purpose of the pilgrimage is to become more conscious of these practices.

Erbaş discussed the history of Jerusalem, highlighting that it was once a peaceful city where Muslims, Christians, and Jews of different races lived together in harmony for over 450 years after the Prophet Muhammad’s passing. However, in the 1900s, after transitioning from Ottoman to British rule, unrest began in Jerusalem. An occupying state was established in 1948, leading to ongoing oppression in Palestine. Erbaş emphasized the need for Muslims to unite and awaken to the injustices being committed in the region.

He also mentioned the Islamic prohibition against harming certain individuals in times of war, stating that soldiers are instructed not to harm innocents, including children, women, and religious sites. This concept reflects the compassionate nature of Islamic civilization. Erbaş urged for the principles of mercy and compassion to guide actions and decisions in all circumstances.

The President called for Muslims to come together in solidarity and unity, emphasizing that diverse communities have historically coexisted peacefully where Muslims are present. He stressed the importance of upholding faith and harmony in these areas regardless of individuals’ beliefs or backgrounds. Erbaş highlighted the necessity for Muslims to maintain a sense of community and work towards peace and justice in all regions.

The message delivered during the meeting was centered around the responsibility of individuals to protect the sanctity of life, to promote peace, and to show compassion towards all beings. By reflecting on the teachings of Islam and engaging in acts of kindness and charity, individuals can contribute to building a more harmonious and just society. The pilgrimage to Mecca serves as a reminder of these values and encourages individuals to live in accordance with the principles of faith and righteousness.

Erbaş concluded his remarks by emphasizing the need for Muslims to awaken to the injustices taking place in various parts of the world and to stand together in defense of peace and justice. He called on individuals to embody the values of compassion, mercy, and unity in their daily lives, working towards creating a more peaceful and inclusive society for all. Through prayer, reflection, and collective action, individuals can contribute to building a better future for themselves and for future generations.

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