Former President Donald Trump sent an email to his followers with an alarming subject line stating that he was authorized to be shot by President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. Despite the dramatic language, it was revealed that this was simply a fundraising tactic by Trump. The email was a misleading attempt to draw attention and money from supporters, rather than a genuine cry for help or concern for his safety.

The email’s content was based on a recently unsealed document outlining the FBI’s procedure for searching Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort for classified documents. The document included standard language about the use of force during searches, leading to the misleading claim in Trump’s email. However, the actual search was conducted with coordination between the FBI and Secret Service, and was done discreetly without any risk to Trump’s safety.

In addition to the fundraising email, Trump made social media posts weaving the deadly force allegation with other complaints about Biden’s administration. He accused Biden of being mentally unfit for office and called for his removal, which was not based on any evidence and was purely speculative. Trump’s tactics of using sensationalist and untrue claims to mobilize his supporters and attack his political opponents are reflective of his history as a master sensationalist.

Despite Trump’s attempts to paint himself as a victim of persecution, the facts surrounding the search of Mar-a-Lago do not support his narrative. A federal judge found strong evidence of crimes related to mishandling classified data, with classified documents found in Trump’s bedroom after the search. This information was not highlighted in Trump’s fundraising email, as it did not fit his intended narrative of being targeted unjustly.

Trump’s fundraising efforts included multiple emails sent in a single day, with misleading subject lines and promises of merchandising offers. The emails were part of a campaign to solicit donations from supporters, using tactics that can be characterized as misleading and deceptive. Trump’s use of sensationalist language and untrue claims in his fundraising emails and social media posts is consistent with his provocative public persona and approach to politics.

Overall, Trump’s attempts to capitalize on sensationalist claims to generate fundraising support and attack his political rivals are reflective of his longstanding tactics in the political arena. Despite the lack of evidence to support his claims of persecution and danger, Trump continues to use misleading and provocative language to mobilize his supporters and maintain his influence in the public eye. The fundraising emails and social media posts are just one example of Trump’s ongoing efforts to stay relevant and engage his base of supporters through sensationalist and alarmist tactics.

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