Ali Emre Dingin, who lives in Aydin, became an internet subscriber through a phone call after seeing an advertisement of a company. However, despite committing to a one-year contract, he started receiving bills higher than the agreed upon price starting from the second month. Upon contacting the company’s customer relations, Dingin learned that the increases were due to tax hikes.

Despite the one-year commitment, he received an SMS message stating that his commitment would automatically renew for another year at a new higher price after 6 months. Dingin wanted to terminate his subscription. However, despite informing the company through the website, in writing, and with a notarized letter, his subscription was not canceled.

Upon this, Dingin applied to the Efeler Consumer Arbitration Board, and after the THH rejected his complaint, he appealed to the Aydin Consumer Court. The Consumer Court accepted his appeal, overturned the THH decision, found the consumer justified, and ordered the company to reimburse the excess bill amounts and expenses incurred by the consumer.

Ali Emre Dingin, who constantly received high internet bills and could not terminate his subscription despite all his efforts, stated that there were many similar complaints about the relevant company on complaint and review sites, even saying that they unfairly profited by sending unjustified execution to many subscribers.
After seeing these, Dingin stated that he started a legal battle against the company and said, “First, I applied to the Efeler Consumer Arbitration Board. When the THH asked for a defense from the company, the company lawyers unlawfully started an execution process without a verdict and wrote to the THH that the matter was in the execution process and that the consumer board was not authorized. The THH rejected my application without paying attention to the subject of the execution file and dates.”
Dingin, who appealed the decision of the Efeler Consumer Arbitration Board, where the President of the Aydin Consumer Association is also a member, said, “One needs legal knowledge and extensive time for court processes and there are costs involved. Some companies are known to profit unfairly by entering into agreements with various legal offices. Therefore, members of the boards need to carefully review the files or present them to experts, which will be in the best interest of consumers. The President of the Aydin Consumer Association not being able to protect the consumer’s rights, frankly saddened me.”
Dingin, who warned consumers, said, “Before subscribing, I recommend checking the comments about the relevant company on various complaint sites. Also, if they think an unjustified execution process has been initiated, they must definitely appeal to the relevant execution directorates within 7 days after the notification. When appealed, the execution process stops. If they do not object within 7 days, an execution process will start against them. Therefore, the deadline is crucial. They must also read the subscription agreements carefully because companies do not end their subscriptions without including additional fee requests in the contract.”
Aydin Consumer Court, which canceled the decision of the Efeler Consumer Arbitration Board and found Dingin justified, ordered the payment of all excess amounts and expenses. Dingin said, “I appealed the Efeler THH decision and the Aydin Consumer Court overturned the decision of the THH. If other consumers think they have made an unjust payment, they must first apply to the THH. If faced with an incorrect decision, they must definitely appeal to the Consumer Courts.”

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