In Aurora, Colorado, James Craig, a well-known dentist, faced a shocking turn of events when his wife Angela Craig fell sick and was admitted to the hospital. After a series of hospital visits, Angela Craig tragically passed away on life support. The autopsy revealed she was poisoned, and police suspected James Craig, pointing to online searches for poison and the purchase of potassium cyanide and arsenic. While James Craig pleaded not guilty, authorities believed he poisoned his wife through her protein shakes.

Podcaster Steffan Tubbs covered the case, highlighting the shock and disbelief in the community where the Craigs were deeply rooted. James and Angela Craig were a seemingly perfect couple, and the idea that James could be behind her murder shook those who knew them. The evidence presented in the 52-page arrest warrant outlined James’ alleged planning and intent to end his wife’s life undetected. The investigation and trial revealed multiple motives, including financial problems and suspicions of infidelity.

The story also delved into James Craig’s mental health history, revealing a past struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts. The defense argued that James may have purchased poison for himself, not to harm his wife. The arrest warrant detailed James’ alleged purchases of various deadly poisons and his interactions with another woman he met shortly before Angela’s illness. The case raised questions about who James was truly trying to harm and what his intentions were.

As the case continued to unfold, prosecutors suggested that James Craig may have attempted a perfect crime using poison to kill his wife. However, the defense raised doubts about the evidence and the rushed nature of the investigation. Ultimately, the story raised concerns about the deadly consequences of poison and the devastating impact it had on Angela Craig’s family and friends. The trial was set to begin in August 2024, leaving the community and the Craig family seeking justice and closure.

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