The incoming ruling party in Indonesia is considering nominating family members of President-elect Prabowo Subianto for the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial election on Nov 27. The proposed candidates include Ms Rahayu “Sara” Djojohadikusumo and Mr Budi Djiwandono, who are family members of Mr Prabowo. Both have been suggested as potential successors to Mr Prabowo as the chairperson of the Gerindra party. Nomination Day for the election is scheduled for Sep 22.

Ms Sara and Mr Budi’s potential candidacy for the gubernatorial election has been strategically planned by the family of Mr Prabowo’s billionaire brother Mr Hashim Djojohadikusumo. Mr Hashim, who plays a significant role in shaping Gerindra’s course, envisions the party as a political vehicle for his relatives. Ms Sara is a political activist, actress, and TV presenter who has served in the national legislature. Mr Budi, on the other hand, is the son of a well-known economist and currently serves in parliament.

The Jakarta gubernatorial race has attracted numerous political heavyweights, including former governor Anies Baswedan and possibly former governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama. Anies is considering running for re-election, while reports suggest that Ahok’s name is among those being considered by the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. Other potential candidates include finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati and former armed forces commander Andika Perkasa. The election is seen as a crucial step for those aiming for higher political positions in Indonesia.

The upcoming election may feature a highly anticipated rematch between Anies and Ahok, who was imprisoned for a controversial blasphemy case in 2017. Ahok recently launched a podcast to address issues faced by Jakarta residents. Mr Ridwan Kamil, a rising star in Indonesian politics and former West Java governor, is also being considered as a potential nominee by Golkar party. Apart from Mr Ridwan, Golkar is also considering other candidates such as Ahmed Zaki Iskandar and Erwin Aksa for the Jakarta governor post. The election will be part of local elections held across Indonesia on Nov 27.

The Jakarta gubernatorial election is historically significant, as the position has served as a stepping stone for the country’s presidency. The current president, Joko Widodo, served as Jakarta governor before becoming president. The race may feature candidates representing various political parties, including Nasdem, PKS, and PDIP. Anies Baswedan, who lost the presidential election to Mr Prabowo, remains a frontrunner in polls for re-election. The election is expected to be a closely watched event that could shape the political landscape in Indonesia.

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