Pope Francis presided over the Vatican’s Easter Vigil service, despite concerns about his health. The 87-year-old pontiff, who has been battling respiratory issues, entered the darkened St. Peter’s Basilica in a wheelchair and delivered a 10-minute homily. Francis had skipped the Good Friday procession at the Colosseum as a health precaution, but decided to participate in the vigil service and Easter Sunday Mass. The Vatican explained that the decision was made to conserve his health, as he has been dealing with bronchitis, a cold, or the flu.

During the Easter Vigil service, Francis baptized eight people and urged Catholics to remove the stones in their lives that block the door of their hearts. He spoke about the power of Christ’s resurrection in rolling away the heavy stones that weigh down their souls. The evening service is a solemn and important moment in the Catholic liturgical calendar, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. Despite his respiratory issues, Francis was able to recite the prayers of the two-hour long vigil service and perform the sacrament of baptism for the adults.

Holy Week is a challenging time for any pope, but it is especially difficult for Francis given his ongoing health concerns. In addition to respiratory problems, he had part of one lung removed as a young man and has undergone surgeries to address issues with his large intestine. Despite these challenges, Francis has stated in his memoirs that he does not suffer from any health problems that would require him to resign. He remains committed to his role as pontiff and has many projects to bring to fruition.

The decision for Francis to skip the Good Friday procession appeared to have paid off, as he was able to participate fully in the Easter Vigil service. The Vatican had said he made the decision to ensure his participation in both the vigil service and Easter Sunday Mass. Francis has faced criticism in the past for canceling events and having an aide read his speeches due to his respiratory issues. However, he has continued to fulfill his duties as pope, including leading important liturgical services during Holy Week.

Despite his health challenges, Francis has persevered in his role as pope, continuing to deliver homilies and participate in significant events in the Catholic calendar. His determination to carry out his duties has been evident in his decision to preside over the Easter Vigil service and baptize eight adults. As he continues to navigate his health issues, Francis remains committed to his role as leader of the Catholic Church, emphasizing the importance of faith and prayer in the face of adversity.

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