Pope Francis made a brief visit to Campidoglio on Monday, June 10, where he was welcomed by the sound of trumpets from the faithful of Vitorchiano and Mayor Roberto Gualtieri. This meeting between the Bishop of Rome and the local administration symbolizes the unbreakable bond between the Holy See, the City of Rome, and the Italian government, in anticipation of the upcoming Jubilee of 2025. The Jubilee, lasting a year, will put the Eternal City in the spotlight for the world to see. Pope Francis praised the patience of Romans during the renovation works and encouraged the city to maintain its role as a beacon of civilization and hospitality, spreading a message of hope and peace built on brotherhood.

Mariano Angelucci, Vice President of the Special Commission for the Jubilee of 2025 in the City of Rome, spoke about the purpose of Pope Francis’ visit to Campidoglio. It is customary for the Pope, being the Bishop of Rome, to visit the city’s administrators during each council. In light of the upcoming Jubilee, this visit is seen as a significant event. Mayor Gualtieri updated Pope Francis on the progress of the Jubilee-related works. The completion of certain construction projects is expected by the end of the year, with special attention to the passageway at Piazza Pia and the renovation of San Giovanni’s atrium and other locations.

Regarding ongoing issues such as traffic and waste management, progress has been made over the past six months. Efforts to improve waste disposal and cleaning have enhanced the city’s appearance and functionality. Plans are in motion to begin construction on a waste incinerator to address Rome’s waste challenges. Additional staff and resources have been allocated to address these issues effectively, with a focus on traffic management around the construction sites. As the Jubilee approaches, efforts to enhance the city’s infrastructure and services continue to be a top priority for the administration.

Pope Francis’ visit serves as an opportunity to celebrate the bond between the Pontiff and the city, leaving a message of hope, unity, and openness to all peoples. Amidst global challenges such as war, immigration, and social inequality, Rome remains an open city that embraces those in need. The administration is determined to reduce disparities and foster inclusion, collaborating with organizations like Caritas to support those facing hardships. This commitment to solidarity and social justice is integral to the city’s identity and future development.

Pope Francis has called for a moratorium on the debt of the poorest countries in connection to the Jubilee. A coordinated effort at the European level is necessary to address this issue and provide support to regions in need. The European Union must play a significant role in offering solutions and assistance during this challenging period. An integrated and cohesive European response is crucial for stability, peace, and prosperity in both the EU and surrounding regions.

As Rome prepares for the Jubilee, it is poised to reclaim its historical role as the “Communis Patria” for all peoples. Through revitalization efforts and the judicious use of Jubilee resources, the city is experiencing a revival after years of challenges. Investments in infrastructure and social services are essential for both welcoming visitors and supporting residents, mirroring the city’s rich history and promising a brighter future. By leveraging the Jubilee resources and the European Recovery Fund, Rome is on the path to realizing its potential as a welcoming and inclusive city for all.

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