Pope Francis shared in a new book that his predecessor Benedict XVI was an ally in his support for civil partnerships for same-sex couples, despite the Catholic Church’s opposition to LGBTQ marriages. Francis has continuously expressed that same-sex couples have the right to be protected by civil union laws, in-line with his more open stance towards the LGBTQ community during his papacy. The revelation that Benedict defended Francis against cardinals who accused him of supporting same-sex marriage shows a level of support from the more conservative former pope.

The Spanish-language book, “Pope Francis. The Successor: My memories of Benedict XVI,” is based on interviews with journalist Javier Martinez-Brocal, and indicates a positive relationship between Francis and Benedict despite their differing views on certain issues. In December, Francis allowed priests to bless same-sex couples, which sparked conservative outrage, but Francis clarified that this did not signify formal approval for non-heterosexual relationships. There is no indication that Francis consulted with Benedict before making this decision or before making other controversial moves during his papacy.

Francis also addressed his relationship with Archbishop Georg Gaenswein, Benedict’s secretary, who released a critical book on Francis shortly after Benedict’s death in 2022. Throughout the period of two popes coexisting, Francis denied any personal frictions with Benedict and emphasized that any disagreements were likely due to differences in perspective rather than personal animosities. Despite his delicate health at 87 years old, Francis discussed his funeral plans, confirming intentions to simplify burial rites for himself and his successors. The new approach will involve forgoing the tradition of exposing the bodies of dead popes before placing them in a coffin, a departure from previous practices.

Overall, the book sheds light on the relationship between Pope Francis and his predecessor Benedict XVI, showcasing moments of support and understanding despite disagreements on certain issues. Francis’s commitment to the LGBTQ community has been a notable aspect of his papacy, while also respecting the teachings of the Catholic Church. The revelations in the book emphasize the complexity of relationships within the Vatican, especially during times of transition and change. Despite challenges and criticisms, Francis remains committed to his mission and legacy, even as he plans for his eventual passing and the changes that will come with it.

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