Recent polls have consistently shown that Americans overwhelmingly oppose illegal immigration and support sending troops to the southern border to secure it. A Napolitan News Service poll found that 84% of registered voters believe illegal immigration is bad for the United States, with 71% supporting legal immigration. The primary reason for opposition to illegal immigration cited by those polled is crime, with concerns about criminals, terrorists, economic burdens, and drug trafficking being top of mind for many.

In another poll, 75% of respondents said they support sending U.S. troops to challenge drug cartels and secure the border, a significant increase since President Biden took office. This aligns with other polls showing that large majorities believe the border crisis should be called an invasion and recognize the importance of border security as a national security interest. Many also believe the situation at the border is a crisis.

Texas has played a prominent role in advancing the conversation on the border, with many counties declaring an invasion and issuing disaster declarations related to the border crisis. A majority of Texans, including Hispanics and Blacks, support building a wall and other border security measures. Additionally, a University of Texas/Texas Politics Project poll found that Democrats in Texas are increasingly supporting former President Donald Trump’s border policies.

The findings from these polls are consistent with those of The Center Square Voters’ Voice polls, which have found that the majority of Americans are concerned about border security. Many believe the border crisis has worsened under the Biden-Harris administration, and a significant portion of voters feel the country is moving in the wrong direction under their leadership. Illegal immigration is a top concern for many Americans, nearly equal in importance to rising inflationary costs.

Overall, Americans want states to play a role in securing the border, supporting Texas and other states’ efforts to protect their borders. These sentiments are reflected across various polls, with strong support for both legal immigration and strong border security measures. The polls highlight a consistent trend in American sentiment towards immigration policy, with a clear majority opposing illegal immigration and expressing concerns about the impact it has on the country. Voters want the federal government to address these issues and protect the nation’s borders effectively.

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