Summarize this content to 2000 words in 6 paragraphs Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has been questioned about the drop in support for Labor, with exclusive polling showing voters have cut Labor’s primary vote from 32 to 30 per cent over the past month.The poll carried out for this masthead, also showed 55 per cent of voters would struggle to pay for a major expense because their finances are stretched so thin.Plibersek acknowledged on Seven’s Sunrise that people were doing it tough. Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen“But people have also got to remember that under the previous government, Barnaby [Joyce’s] mob said that they want to keep wages lower,” she told the program.“They said low wages are a deliberate design feature of our economic architect pure. We are turning that around with higher wage, with people earning more and keeping more of what they earn, and other cost of living measures to help out people.” But former Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, who was also on the program, said people were fed up with Labor.“There are people who just say, ‘I am over it, I don’t want to listen to him any more’ because while you bang on about intermittent power and solar factories and … climate change and you lost people when you started talking about the Voice and the social change of Australia, people say ‘you are not focussed on me’,” he said.

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