A recent poll conducted in seven swing states shows that former President Donald Trump is currently ahead of President Biden. Trump leads Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. The margins between the two candidates improved or remained the same in all states except Nevada when third-party candidates were included. In a five-way race, Trump is also ahead in all six states. In Wisconsin, Trump and Biden are tied with 45% of the vote in a head-to-head contest and each receive 41% support with third-party options.

Trump’s lead over Biden in the seven states combined is measured at 47% to 44% in a head-to-head matchup. This lead grows to 43% to 38% when third-party candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Cornel West, and Jill Stein are included. The poll also found that voters are more concerned about Biden’s age than Trump’s criminal cases. More than half of the respondents expressed concern about Biden’s age and ability to perform his duties as an 81-year-old president, compared to Trump’s criminal cases and civil judgments at 77 years old.

The majority of voters in the poll believe that Trump is more likely to complete a second term than Biden, who is the oldest president in US history. Sixty-six percent of respondents are not convinced that Biden can finish a second term, while only 41% said the same about Trump. Among just Biden voters, 41% believe the president won’t be able to complete a second term, whereas only 22% of Trump voters expressed the same concern about their preferred candidate. The poll was conducted by GS Strategy Group and BSG between May 6 to May 13 and surveyed 3,969 voters in the seven battleground states.

The poll results show that Trump’s popularity is still strong in the key swing states, with leads over Biden in most of them. Trump’s margins against Biden improved or stayed the same when third-party candidates were included, indicating strong support for the former president. Concerns about Biden’s age and ability to perform his duties are more significant to voters than Trump’s legal issues, with a higher percentage of respondents expressing worry about Biden’s stage of life and mental acuity. The belief that Trump is more likely to complete a second term than Biden is also a prevalent sentiment among voters surveyed in the seven battleground states.

As the debate over the future of US presidential leadership continues, the poll results highlight the potential challenges faced by both Trump and Biden as they consider possible runs in the 2024 election. The findings suggest that Trump’s current lead over Biden in the swing states could impact future electoral outcomes. Despite concerns about Biden’s age and ability to serve a second term, it remains to be seen how these factors will ultimately influence voter decisions in the upcoming election cycle.

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