A recent Pew Research report revealed a significant shift in support among Catholics in the United States towards former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden. The poll found that 55% of Catholics support Trump in a head-to-head matchup against Biden, while only 45% support Biden. This marks a 12% margin in favor of Trump, a significant change from 2020 when Trump only held a narrow lead over Biden. Hispanic Catholics, who overwhelmingly supported Biden in 2020, now have a narrow split of 49%-47% in favor of Biden, indicating a major shift rightward for this demographic.

Protestants also expressed strong support for Trump in the survey, with approximately 60% backing the former president compared to 38% who leaned towards Biden. In contrast, atheists, agnostics, and the religiously unaffiliated showed overwhelming support for Biden, with 69% indicating they would back the Democratic incumbent compared to 28% who voiced support for Trump. Biden has emphasized his Catholic identity during his presidential campaigns, but he has faced criticism from Catholic leaders for his support of policies that go against church teachings, such as pro-choice deregulation and gender ideology.

Many Catholic leaders have challenged Biden’s self-characterization as a devout believer, with Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington D.C. referring to him as a “Cafeteria Catholic” who picks and chooses which aspects of the faith to highlight while disregarding or contradicting other parts. Biden’s recent actions, such as making the sign of the cross at an abortion rally, have sparked anger among Christian groups who view his actions as a disrespectful insult. This backlash from traditional Catholic circles may have contributed to the shift in support away from Biden among the Catholic community.

Despite Biden’s attempt to appeal to Catholic voters as a fellow believer, his support for progressive policies that run counter to church teachings has alienated many within the religious community. His stance on issues such as abortion and gender identity has created a schism between Biden and Catholic leaders, leading to criticism and skepticism about his commitment to the faith. As a result, many Catholics who once supported Biden have now shifted their allegiance to Trump, citing concerns about Biden’s stance on key moral and ethical issues that are important to the Catholic community.

The broader trend of declining support for Biden among Catholics indicates a growing disillusionment with the president among this demographic. While Biden may have initially appealed to Catholic voters with his rhetoric and identification with the faith, his policy positions and actions have caused many to question his commitment to traditional Catholic values. As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen whether Biden can regain the trust and support of Catholic voters or if the shift towards the GOP in the Catholic community will continue.

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