With fewer than 47 days until the November election, Vice President Harris and former President Trump are in a tied race for likely voters in Pennsylvania, a key state that could determine the outcome of the election. According to a new Marist Poll, both candidates garnered 49% of likely voters in the state. Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, emphasized the importance of Pennsylvania in the election, calling it the biggest prize in the region and the most competitive. However, winning Pennsylvania does not guarantee the White House, but it significantly impacts the outcome.

In two other important states, Michigan and Wisconsin, Harris leads Trump in the survey. She is up five points in Michigan with 52% support compared to Trump’s 47%. The margin is narrower in Wisconsin, with Harris beating Trump by just one point at 50% to 49%. Michigan’s vote is influenced by Trump’s high unfavorability rating, with 53% of likely voters viewing him negatively. Inflation emerged as the top issue for most Pennsylvanians, with one-third of voters citing it as their main concern. Immigration and preserving democracy were also key issues for voters in these states, with abortion ranking lower on the list.

Across all three states, there is a significant gender gap in support for the candidates, with men more likely to support Trump and women more likely to support Harris. Trump faces challenges with women voters, particularly in Michigan where Harris leads him by a significant margin. The gap between Harris and Trump among likely women voters is 15 points in Michigan, highlighting Trump’s struggle to gain support among female voters. The overall forecast shows that Harris has taken the lead for the first time in the presidential race, indicating a shift in support in critical states.

As the presidential race tightens in key battleground states, Trump is losing his edge in states that were once considered Republican strongholds. According to the most recent Fox News Power Rankings, North Carolina and Georgia are now rated as toss-ups in the election, signaling a shift in the political landscape. These developments mark significant changes in the race and suggest that the outcome on Election Day may be unpredictable. To stay updated on the latest news and developments from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more, visit the Fox News Digital election hub.

In conclusion, the race for the presidency is heating up with less than 47 days until the November election. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are key states to watch as Vice President Harris and former President Trump battle for support among likely voters. The polls show a tight race in Pennsylvania, while Harris leads Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin. The top issues for voters vary by state, with inflation, immigration, and preserving democracy emerging as significant concerns. The gender gap in support for the candidates is also a noteworthy factor, with Trump struggling to gain support among women voters. The shifting dynamics in critical states could have a significant impact on the outcome of the election, highlighting the importance of paying attention to the latest updates and developments from the campaign trail.

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