The President of the Congress of Deputies, Francina Armengol, emphasized the importance of diplomacy and respect in international relations between countries. She criticized the use of hate speech in politics, particularly in response to recent comments made by the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, about the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Begoña Gómez. Armengol stressed the need for responsible and respectful political discourse and called for all representatives to conduct themselves in a diplomatic manner.

Armengol, who was speaking at a conference on Internal Medicine at the Congress, praised the efforts of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, to defend Spain’s position and dignity in the wake of Milei’s comments. Albares had summoned the Argentine ambassador to demand an apology from Milei, but it was not clear if diplomatic relations would be severed if one was not issued. Armengol acknowledged Argentina as a brotherly country and emphasized the importance of maintaining dignified representation of their respective populations by government officials.

The Minister of Health, Mónica García, also expressed support for Albares’ decision to confront the Argentine ambassador and cautioned against allowing such incidents to become a normalized occurrence in diplomatic relations. The incident has underscored the need for mutual respect and civility in political discourse, both domestically and internationally. Armengol emphasized the importance of peaceful and respectful communication in fostering strong and constructive relationships between countries.

Armengol’s comments come at a time when political tensions are high across the globe, with divisive rhetoric and inflammatory language becoming more commonplace. She urged all representatives to prioritize diplomacy and mutual respect in their interactions with other countries, to avoid further straining relations. Armengol’s stance aligns with the values of responsible and ethical statesmanship, promoting unity and cooperation over division and conflict in the international arena.

In conclusion, Armengol’s emphasis on the importance of diplomacy and respectful communication in international relations serves as a reminder of the values that should underpin interactions between countries. By advocating for responsible and civil discourse, she underscores the need for leaders to set a positive example in their interactions with other nations. Through her comments, Armengol encourages a return to diplomacy and mutual respect as the foundation for productive and peaceful relationships between countries, even in the face of political disagreements. By prioritizing respect and understanding, leaders can work towards building a more harmonious and cooperative global community.

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