A Florida woman, Rebekah Mackenzie Tate, was arrested for a hit-and-run after striking a motorcyclist in West Melbourne, Florida. The impact was so hard that the motorcyclist’s helmet flew off, leaving him in the middle of the roadway. Tate, who is known for her talents in ballroom dance, harp, and piano, was charged with leaving the scene of a crash with great bodily harm and tampering with evidence in a criminal proceeding. Surveillance footage showed Tate attempting to remove the motorcycle from under her vehicle and subsequently being picked up by another car following the incident. She posted bond and pleaded not guilty, awaiting trial for the charges brought against her.

The victim’s mother commented on the police department’s Facebook post about the arrest, expressing her lack of sympathy for Tate. She criticized Tate for leaving her son to die in the road and allegedly tampering with evidence. The victim, identified as John Powell, suffered severe injuries including fractures in both legs and ribs. However, he was reported to be out of the ICU by Thursday, indicating signs of improvement. Witnesses to the incident, such as a DoorDash driver named Billy LeBlanc, shared that they were appalled by Tate’s actions and felt relief that she was apprehended by police. LeBlanc assisted Powell until paramedics arrived, expressing his happiness that Powell survived the ordeal.

LeBlanc stated that Tate appeared fearful after hitting Powell but should have at least called for help instead of fleeing the scene. He emphasized the importance of providing aid to those in need and voiced his hope that others would do the same. Despite the challenges Powell faced as a result of the hit-and-run, friends and loved ones, such as Leah Lindstrand, remained optimistic about his recovery. Powell’s resilience in the face of adversity was commended by those who knew him, and they expressed gratitude for his survival. The incident caused emotional distress for everyone involved, particularly for Powell and his loved ones.

Tate was arrested on charges related to the hit-and-run and was bailed out while awaiting trial. The case is expected to proceed in court on October 1st. The community response to the incident has been one of outrage and sympathy for Powell, as well as a demand for justice to be served. The consequences of Tate’s actions have highlighted the importance of accountability and responsibility in situations involving accidents and injuries. The aftermath of the hit-and-run serves as a reminder of the impact of reckless behavior on individuals and families, as well as the importance of providing assistance and support to those in need. The case continues to unfold with Powell’s recovery and the legal proceedings against Tate.

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