Aram Bhairam, a veteran city cop, was fired from the force for making 311 complaints about his boss and misusing the NYPD database. He admitted to using the department’s internal computers to check up on his relatives, including running license plates for his cousin multiple times while on duty. Bhairam was also found guilty of making derogatory comments about NYPD Lt. Marlene Hernandez in anonymous 311 complaints, referring to her as a “tranny” and making other offensive remarks.
The investigation into the 311 complaints and unauthorized use of the NYPD database led to Bhairam’s termination in January. NYPD brass did not find his actions amusing and took the misuse of department resources seriously. The investigation revealed that Bhairam used the database to check the license plates and arrest histories of his ex-girlfriends and romantic partners, as well as for family and friends to check for outstanding summonses or suspended driving privileges.
Bhairam claimed during his department trial that the 311 calls were meant as a joke in response to alleged ridicule from Lt. Hernandez. He also stated that his repeated use of the department computers was to help his loved ones and that it was a cultural norm in his Guyanese community to provide assistance to those close to him. However, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban was not convinced by his explanation and approved Bhairam’s termination after 14 years on the force.
The disgraced former cop’s actions raise concerns about ethics and responsible use of law enforcement resources within the NYPD. Misuse of department databases and making derogatory remarks about colleagues not only damages the reputation of the individual officer but also reflects poorly on the entire police force. Bhairam’s termination serves as a reminder that officers must uphold high standards of conduct and respect when representing the NYPD.
The case of Aram Bhairam highlights the importance of accountability and transparency within law enforcement agencies. The investigation into his misconduct, including the misuse of department resources and making offensive comments, demonstrates that the NYPD takes such violations seriously and will take appropriate disciplinary action. By holding officers accountable for their actions, the department aims to maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity of the police force.
Moving forward, the NYPD may need to implement stricter regulations and oversight measures to prevent similar incidents of misconduct from occurring in the future. Training programs on ethical conduct and the responsible use of department resources could help educate officers on the importance of upholding the values and integrity of the NYPD. By addressing issues of misconduct proactively, the department can work towards improving accountability and maintaining professionalism among its ranks.