Today, in Piazza di Spagna, one of the most touching and engaging moments was the meeting on the theme of hatred and discrimination with experts from Oscad, the Observatory for security against discriminatory acts, along with two great champions from the sports group Fiamme Oro and Elisa Di Francisca. They shared their stories and talked about how sports have been important in the most difficult moments of their lives. Elisa Di Francisca, born in Jesi in 1982, has many Olympic gold medals, but her life has also been marked by violence and possession. She encouraged women to love and respect themselves and to report any signs of abuse. Emanuele Lambertini, born in Cento in 1999, is a wheelchair fencing champion and also a musician and composer. Despite a rare vascular malformation in his right leg that required amputation, he faces his challenges with an optimistic attitude.

Another important moment was the discussion on synthetic drugs, from Fentanyl, a chemical opioid causing many deaths in the United States and now raising alarms in Italy, to date rape drugs (a single vial can produce up to 1500 doses). The ease with which these substances can be found online and delivered to one’s doorstep is particularly alarming. The day also provided insights into how the State Police has upgraded its motor vehicles from 1943-model cars to modern electric vehicles that patrol certain highways. Attendees were fascinated by the first police car, known as the “panther,” in 1957, now considered a motoring gem.

The square then filled up for a concert by the Music Band conducted by Maestro Maurizio Billi. The event provided an opportunity for the Police to showcase their new electric vehicles for patrolling highways and for attendees to admire a vintage police car known as the “panther.” The day also addressed the increasing concern over synthetic drugs, including Fentanyl and date rape drugs, readily available online and delivered to homes, posing a significant threat to public health and safety. The event also highlighted the importance of sports as a tool for personal growth and overcoming challenges, as evidenced by the inspiring stories of champions like Elisa Di Francisca and Emanuele Lambertini.

The event shed light on issues of discrimination and hate, calling for greater awareness and action to combat intolerance in society. The stories shared by Elisa Di Francisca and Emanuele Lambertini emphasized the power of sports in overcoming adversity and inspiring others to persevere in the face of challenges. The discussion on synthetic drugs highlighted the growing threat to public health and safety posed by these substances, underscoring the importance of vigilant monitoring and prevention efforts. The presentation of new electric vehicles by the State Police showcased their commitment to modernizing their fleet and enhancing patrolling capabilities to ensure public safety. The concert by the Music Band provided a moment of cultural enrichment and community gathering, uniting attendees in appreciation of music and art.

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