The police have declared the eviction of the occupied Humboldt University building in Berlin to be completed after a dynamic situation that lasted for hours. Initially, there were conflicting reports from the police regarding the number of occupiers, but it was later estimated to be around 150 individuals. The exact figures will be released on Friday. University President Julia von Blumenthal had tolerated the occupation initially but had set a deadline for the end of the occupation by Thursday at 6:00 pm. By 6:30 pm, groups of occupiers voluntarily left the university, accompanied by university staff to a designated area where their identities were confirmed by the police for legal purposes.

As the activists exited the building, they displayed victory signs and chanted slogans in support of Palestine, which led to a confrontation with demonstrators outside the building. The police estimated around 250 demonstrators outside, with some chanting anti-police slogans. The police eventually began the evacuation of the building around 7:00 pm with a group of officers entering the building. The police then cordoned off a second area in front of the building to check the identities of those leaving. The mood shifted as the police sealed off the street.

Inside the occupied building, emeritus HU Professor Michael Wildt was present during a dialogue between university officials, professors, and occupiers that took place earlier in the day. Some occupiers had vandalized walls with anti-Semitic graffiti, calling for an end to support for Israel. Videos shared on social media showed the occupiers defacing the building with anti-Semitic messages. The occupiers demanded an immediate ceasefire in Israel and termination of all cooperation with Israeli institutions. They accused Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians.

The occupation of the Humboldt University was part of a larger protest movement against Israel’s military actions in Gaza, triggered by an attack by Hamas classified as a terrorist organization by the US and EU. The police completed their operation in the building by 10:00 pm, leading to a warning to the remaining demonstrators outside that there was no reason to continue protesting. Despite this, the group continued chanting slogans and waving Palestinian flags before dispersing under police orders.

The tense situation at Humboldt University reflected the ongoing global demonstrations against Israel’s actions in Gaza. The activists and demonstrators called for an end to all forms of support for Israel and emphasized their solidarity with the Palestinian people. The evacuation of the occupied building marked the end of a day of tense confrontations between the police, university officials, and the occupiers, with a group of defiant demonstrators refusing to disperse immediately. The university community and the city of Berlin were left to ponder the implications of the protests and the actions taken by law enforcement in handling the situation.

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