Multiple police departments across the country are warning parents and community members about a dangerous game called “Senior Assassin” that high school students play. In this game, participants are given another player’s name and tasked with hunting and tagging them with a water gun until there is only one person left. While the game itself is not against the law, police are concerned about the potential deadly consequences of players running around with water guns that may resemble real firearms.

Police departments are cautioning players not to bring the game onto school grounds or public spaces, as bystanders may not understand what is happening and mistakes could be made. Players are known to hide in various locations and chase their targets, creating a potentially dangerous situation. Some incidents have already occurred where law enforcement had to respond to calls reporting suspicious activity related to the game, including one case where a concealed carry holder mistook students with water guns for a genuine threat.

Other towns and police departments in Illinois are also issuing warnings about the game. Incidents involving students wearing ski masks and displaying water guns that resemble firearms in public spaces have been reported. The use of imitation firearms in any setting is concerning, as it can create fear and confusion among the public. Residents are being urged to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities they observe to law enforcement.

The Village of Bartlett specifically highlighted concerns about the game starting on April 14 and the potential for misunderstandings with residents reporting suspicious vehicles and individuals. Some players have been seen driving on lawns or brandishing realistic-looking handguns, causing alarm for responding officers who may not be able to distinguish between a game and a real threat. Authorities are reminding participants to play responsibly and follow the rules of the game to avoid any serious consequences.

Parents are being encouraged to talk to their children about the safety concerns related to openly carrying water guns that may resemble real firearms. The excitement and anticipation of the end of the school year should not overshadow the need for caution and responsibility while playing the game. The potential for misunderstandings and dangerous situations is high, especially as more people in Illinois possess concealed carry licenses, meaning that the presence of any suspicious activity related to the game could lead to serious consequences.

In conclusion, police departments are urging community members to take the warnings about the Senior Assassin game seriously and to consider the potential risks involved. With the prevalence of concealed carry licenses and the possibility of mistaken identity, players and parents alike need to be aware of the potential consequences of participating in this game. It is essential for everyone to prioritize safety and avoid engaging in activities that could be mistaken for something more dangerous. By being vigilant and playing responsibly, players can ensure a safer outcome for everyone involved.

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