Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk recently visited the country’s border with Belarus, which also serves as the European Union’s external border with the autocratic state. Tusk pledged to strengthen security along the eastern frontier, accusing Belarus of engaging in a “hybrid war” against the West by encouraging migrants to cross into the EU. He emphasized that Poland would spare no expense in enhancing border security, citing the growing threat from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the uncertain geopolitical situation.

Tusk’s visit to the border comes after a Polish judge defected to Belarus, claiming persecution in Poland and sparking investigations for espionage. Tusk’s political party, Civic Coalition, which replaced the national conservative Law and Justice party, supports strengthening security along the border while also acknowledging the EU’s involvement in this matter. The shift in attitude towards migration across Europe has led to a tougher stance against unregulated migration, and Tusk made it clear that investing in Poland’s eastern border is crucial for the security of the entire region.

The Polish government responded to the migration crisis along the EU’s eastern border with Belarus in 2021 by constructing a tall steel wall. The crisis, which saw an influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, was seen as a move by Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko to destabilize the EU in response to sanctions imposed on his country. Tusk’s visit to the border, ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections, aimed to show support for border security and law enforcement officers. He reassured commanders and officers that the Polish government stands with them in every situation, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the security of the border.

Tusk, who took office in December, has been vocal about the need to address the security challenges posed by illegal crossings and the geopolitical uncertainty in the region. He stressed the importance of securing not only Poland’s internal border but also the EU’s external border. Tusk’s approach to border security differs from that of his predecessors, as he does not use harsh anti-migrant rhetoric but remains firm on the need to regulate migration. By underscoring the significance of investing in border security, Tusk aims to garner support from voters and assure them that his political party prioritizes the safety and sovereignty of the country and the European Union as a whole.

As tensions escalate along the EU’s eastern border, with Belarus accused of fueling the migration crisis to create instability in the region, Poland is taking proactive measures to enhance security. Tusk’s visit to the border sends a strong message of support to border security forces, showcasing the government’s unwavering commitment to protecting the nation’s borders. With next month’s elections looming, Tusk’s emphasis on border security and the need for a unified approach across Europe reflects the changing dynamics of migration policy in the region. The investment in border security and cooperation between EU member states will be crucial in addressing the challenges posed by external threats and ensuring the safety and integrity of the European Union.

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