The Polish government has called the killing of a Polish aid worker in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes a murder and is demanding Israel’s support for a Polish investigation into the case. Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski described the death of Damian Soból and six other workers of the World Central Kitchen charity as “shocking and disturbing.” Poland expects Israel’s full cooperation in the investigation, which has been classified as a murder by Polish prosecutors in Soból’s hometown of Przemyśl.

Israel conducted a swift investigation and took responsibility for the deaths, stating that the attack was a tragic mistake due to mistaken identification. The Israeli military dismissed two officers and reprimanded three others for violating rules of engagement. However, Bartoszewski deemed the dismissals and disciplinary actions as inadequate and called for the case to be tried by an independent court in Israel. Many lawmakers in the Polish parliament believe the killings should be classified as a war crime.

Poland is collaborating with other countries, including Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States, whose citizens were killed in the attack, to push for a detailed investigation into how humanitarian convoys were targeted by the Israeli army. Bartoszewski emphasized that all international rules of defense were breached during the attack and demanded compensation for the family of Damian Soból, whose body has been repatriated to Poland. The aim is to ensure that justice is served for the aid workers who lost their lives during the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.

Efforts are being made to seek justice for the victims of the attack, with Poland leading the charge in demanding a comprehensive investigation into the incident. By working closely with other affected countries and calling for accountability from Israel, the Polish government is striving to ensure that the aid workers’ deaths are not in vain. The gravity of the situation has prompted calls for the killings to be classified as war crimes, underscoring the need for a thorough examination of the circumstances surrounding the tragic events in Gaza.

The tragic death of Damian Soból and his colleagues has sent shockwaves through the international community, prompting a swift response from Polish authorities to seek justice for the victims. With the support of allies and diplomatic pressure on Israel, Poland is determined to uncover the truth behind the attack and hold those responsible to account. By demanding compensation for Soból’s family and pursuing legal action through an independent court in Israel, Poland is demonstrating its commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that the rights of aid workers are protected.

As the investigation into the killing of the aid workers progresses, the Polish government continues to advocate for transparency, accountability, and justice in the aftermath of the tragic incident in Gaza. By working in conjunction with other nations affected by the attack and leveraging international support, Poland is emphasizing the need for a thorough examination of the circumstances surrounding the airstrike and is determined to pursue all avenues to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. The quest for justice for Damian Soból and his colleagues remains at the forefront of Poland’s diplomatic efforts as the investigation unfolds.

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