Three players from the Olympique de Marseille (OM) football team were targeted in a shooting incident outside the training center of La Commanderie in Marseille. The incident occurred in the early hours of the morning after the team had returned from a match in Le Havre. The players’ vehicles were shot at by one or more gunmen in a car, with two of the vehicles being hit. Fortunately, none of the players were injured and they were able to escape in their cars. The attackers have not been found as of yet.

The players whose vehicles were targeted in the shooting incident were identified as the Cameroonian internationals Jean Onana and Faris Moumbagna. The club has stated that the players were shocked by the incident and have taken legal action. The club is providing support to the players during this difficult time. The incident has been described as a possible car-jacking, although authorities are still investigating the motive behind the attack.

This incident comes at the end of a disappointing season for Marseille, with the team failing to meet their sporting expectations. The shooting has left the players shaken and raised concerns about their safety and security. The club is working with authorities to ensure the safety of its players and staff, and to prevent any further incidents from occurring in the future.

The shooting outside the training center has sparked discussions about the safety of football players in Marseille and the measures that need to be taken to protect them. The incident has also raised questions about the motives behind the attack and whether it was a targeted attack against the players or a random act of violence. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

As the players recover from the shock of the incident, the club is focused on providing them with the support they need and ensuring their safety moving forward. The incident has highlighted the risks that professional football players face both on and off the field, and the importance of taking measures to protect their well-being. Marseille is committed to supporting its players and ensuring that they can continue to focus on their careers without fear for their safety.

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