The cost of plane tickets for Albertans booking summer vacations has significantly increased, with prices doubling or even tripling compared to previous years. This surge in prices is especially impacting Western Canadians, as the region is primarily served by two airlines, WestJet and Air Canada. Parklane Travel manager Jennie Mohamed, with over three decades of experience in the industry, expressed concern that these high costs may become the new norm. She believes that airlines have no incentive to reduce prices, leading to a lack of competition in the market.

As a response to the soaring ticket prices, WestJet is updating its basic fare options to potentially offer lower costs for passengers who do not require carry-on bags. The airline is also urging the federal government to review and adjust its fee structure to help alleviate the financial burden on travellers. Alberta’s Transportation Minister Devin Dreeshen has echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the need for more affordable air travel options within the province. Feasibility studies have been initiated in 10 municipal airports in Alberta to explore ways to enhance flight offerings for residents.

In light of the rising costs of plane tickets, Mohamed recommends that travellers explore alternative methods to reduce their travel expenses. This includes utilizing points and opting for package deals whenever possible. By being strategic in their booking decisions, individuals can mitigate the impact of the price hikes on their vacation budgets. The province of Alberta is advocating for measures to make air travel more accessible and affordable for residents, with a focus on improving regional flights and increasing flight options within the province.

Overall, the current situation with skyrocketing plane ticket prices in Alberta has created challenges for travellers planning their summer vacations. The lack of competition in the airline industry in Western Canada has contributed to the sharp rise in costs, prompting calls for government intervention to address the issue. WestJet’s initiative to offer more affordable fare options and the province’s efforts to enhance air travel within Alberta are steps towards providing relief to consumers facing exorbitant prices. By exploring cost-saving strategies and advocating for policy changes, travellers and officials alike are working towards making air travel more viable and accessible for Albertans.

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