An upcoming election in Pittsburgh and surrounding suburbs is becoming a test for progressive Democrats in Congress who have criticized how Israel’s war with Hamas has been handled. U.S. Rep. Summer Lee is facing a primary challenge from Bhavini Patel, with the war becoming a key issue in the race. Patel frames Lee’s criticism of Israel as extreme left-wing politics damaging to Democratic President Joe Biden in a crucial state. Lee counters that her stance on the conflict aligns with moving calls for a ceasefire in Gaza into the mainstream of the Democratic Party.

The war has disrupted Democratic politics in the United States, dividing traditionally progressive groups in Pittsburgh, including the significant Jewish community. However, Lee’s district holds special significance as it is home to the synagogue where a gunman killed 11 congregants in 2018. The primary on April 23 will reveal whether the war is enough to influence a significant number of Democrats against Lee, potentially making her the first Democratic incumbent in Congress to lose a primary this year. Other progressive Democrats are also facing primary challenges this summer.

Despite facing a primary challenge, Lee has raised more money than Patel and has strong backing from Pennsylvania’s Democratic establishment, including Sen. Bob Casey, and various progressive groups. Lee has positioned herself as a hardworking representative who advocates for marginalized communities, speaking out on issues ranging from inequality to climate change. While Lee condemns Hamas’ attacks, she has also accused Israel of committing war crimes and has demanded a ceasefire to end the cycle of violence.

Patel, a small-town municipal councilwoman, declared her candidacy shortly before the war between Israel and Hamas began. She has cultivated the Jewish community, attending vigils and rallies, and has criticized Lee for her association with factions encouraging Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in protest of Biden’s handling of the conflict. Lee has defended the movement, stating that discouraging voting could cost the Democratic Party support in the upcoming presidential election. Patel has emphasized Lee’s alignment with Netanyahu over Biden.

The issue of the Israel-Hamas war has featured primarily in debates between Lee and Patel and has not been widely addressed in the media. Pro-Israel groups, who have previously sought to defeat Lee in the primary, have not yet gotten involved in the race. In Pennsylvania, college students are seen as potential supporters of Lee, with the war having a significant presence on campus and most students advocating for a ceasefire. The 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club, a nonpartisan group, has shifted its endorsement from Lee to Patel, with some Jewish Democrats expressing concerns over Lee’s politics possibly leading to a surge in antisemitism.

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