Dr. Karan Raj, a UK National Health Service surgeon and author, revealed a surprising hack to make white bread healthier to his TikTok followers. Despite dietitians typically recommending avoiding white bread due to additives that cause large blood sugar spikes, Raj explained that freezing, thawing, and toasting a slice of white bread can transform its make-up, resulting in a more gradual rise in blood sugar levels due to a lower Glycemic Index (GI). The GI is a measure used to determine how much a food affects blood sugar levels, with high-GI foods such as white bread, white rice, and potatoes causing unhealthy spikes in blood sugar levels.
Raj’s step-by-step guide on how to lower the GI level of white bread quickly gained popularity on TikTok, with many viewers intrigued by the possibility of adding white bread back into their diet. Some viewers, including a diabetic, expressed interest in reintroducing bread into their diet. The idea of freezing bread before toasting it for health benefits was especially appealing to viewers who had never considered the potential benefits of such a method. Others wondered if a similar technique could be used for other foods, such as pasta and rice, to reduce sugars and improve the glycemic index.
The TikTok bread hack also caught the attention of The New York Times, which published an article discussing how letting cooked pasta or rice cool in the refrigerator overnight can transform natural starches into resistant starches. These resistant starches have been linked to lower blood sugar levels, better gut health, and reduced cancer risk. Experts explained that resistant starches are not easily digested, resulting in a lower impact on blood sugar levels compared to regular starches. This information aligns with Raj’s explanation of how retrograded starch, a type of resistant starch formed when white bread is frozen, defrosted, and toasted, can be beneficial for gut health due to its fiber-like properties.
Viewers of Raj’s TikTok video expressed surprise and excitement at the health benefits associated with freezing, thawing, and toasting white bread. Many viewers shared their personal experiences with freezing bread before toasting it and were pleased to learn that it could have potential health benefits. The idea that a simple change in the preparation of white bread could make it a healthier option excited viewers, especially those who have restricted their intake of white bread due to its negative impact on blood sugar levels. Overall, Raj’s TikTok video sparked a conversation about the potential benefits of freezing white bread and raised questions about the impact of similar techniques on other foods.